Monday, June 16, 2008

Landak 3 ekor

Yesterday Umar went out with his Abah to tapau food for his Atuk.

When they got home, I was bathing and in come Umar into the bathroom. Luckily the shower’s frosted glass door was closed ( Umar saw me in a state of undress last week and it induced a “Mum !! I saw your pusat !! Oh, the horror !!” scream from him).

“Mummy ! Listen to me !!”

“Iya… what is it ?”

“I saw 3 porcupines tadi !!” Said he eagerly.

“Really ?” I was excited too. I saw those 3 porcupines like last year and I was so pleasantly surprised and was so awed by their beauty.

“Yes … Their eyes were yellow and big !! Like flashlights !!” Had the same impression last time. Maybe due to the car headlights or whatever you call it.

“There were 3 kan. Dia dengan Mummy dia and adik dia…” Okay.. Mummy, U-um and Titi then.

Then he looked wistful, almost sad.

“I think they were looking for shelter lah Mummy. Sebab kan dekat tong sampah besar tu (at the Police Contingent car park) dah penuh dengan monkeys and cats. So they have to find somewhere else for shelter…”

His eyes were huge with worry.

“I saw their spikes, Mummy…. I think they are looking for shelter….” He said again.

Baru nak tanya what he wants for them, Babah masuk with “ Oii… Umar dah cerita ? Landak tu ada balik !! Polis-polis pun berhenti tengok !!” My husband was soooo thrilled… Kena layan dia punya excitement pulak.

Me… I macam Umar actually. When they were out of my sight, I was really worried. Where is their home ? Where are they going ? Do they have food ? It is quite undignified for a fabulous, elegant creature like that to forage for food (and seek shelter) at the smelly dustbin isn’t it ?

Sudahlah. Please stop all this felling of the trees (read:destroying wild creatures natural habitat) for development kat kawasan kontinjen polis tu. Kesian lah binatang2 ni….

I also love the trees !!


Sheik said...

aku takut landak tu pekerja indon buat sate landak...

kebetulan bulan lepas...ada dua ekor beruk yang berkeliaran kat are rumah aku ditembak oleh pegawai perhilitan...

kebetulan sekor tu lepas ditembak, dia jatuh dari bumbung dan masih hidup sebab cedera kat perut..

kami tengok beruk tu dah lemah tapi still nak panjat pagar belakang rumah aku...

pegawai perhilitan terpaksa tembak sekali lagi...bullet in the head.

kesian...aku teringat macam mana la nasib anak-anak dia (if any)...mesti tertunggu-tunggu parents dia balik bawak makanan..

ni semua salah manusia... buat projek...suka2 hati tebang hutan...and tak relocate haiwan2 ni.. :-(

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Eeeuuuwww... !