Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kenapa tikus tu nak makan kacang aku ?

Urrgghhh !! I really hate that bloody tikus, the one that is sharing my room ( and yup, the one who licked me… ). Night after night we would hear him scratching the wooden wall ( he seems to be living in between the concrete wall and the fancy feature wall made of wood ), where our bed headboard is leaned against.

Since we live with Babah’s parents, therefore we really live in the room. All of my possessions are crammed either in my room or in my children’s. Therefore the small space between the said wooden wall and the bed headboard is very useful to me. It is for storing my depleted stash of kain ( which I am sure I will start replenishing with much gusto after raya ), a few slim odds and ends and a huge zipped plastic bag that stores our supply of Penang mari keropok udang ( the best in the world ).

Night after night the little sod would start with his customary scratching of the wall, as if to announce his arrival. Then he would enter our room, through an invisible hole, and start on his attempt to gnaw away the plastic bag and get the goodies. We would usually ask him to cut his crap by banging on the headboard.

He typically gets the message after a few bangings, where he then would start to scurry around the room. I would sometime hear him by my bags ( kalau Prada aku berlubang… siapa ko….), or behind our winged chairs doing God knows what.

Some nights Dan couldn’t take the scratching and would attempt to chase him away, which would result in me waking up too and us watching the telly until sleep claims us again. That is why I am always sleepy nowadays ( and grouchy… interrupted sleeps are non too pleasant ).

But today, today is the day where I am bloody pissed off with that stupid bugger. He ate my peanuts !! That was why Babah heard him in my bag !! He was after my peanuts ! Me… the lover of peanuts is damn angry !!

It started normal enough. Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch ! Then the sound of him trying to drill a hole at the plastic bag ( that plastic bag is made of sterner stuff… he still had not managed to get through the bag yet ). Then me banging the headboard. Then Babah. Babah then got fed-up and shouted “Oiii !!” while peering at the small, confined space. He saw him ( well or her… but him is easier ) ran underneath our bed.

He ( Babah… not Jerry ) switched on the light and I covered myself with the duvet, just in case if he wants to have another taste of me. Babah jumped on the bed ( he he ). Of course nothing happened. I saw Adik’s bedroom slippers and asked Babah to throw it under the bed, to force him out. Babah did but nothing happened.

We watched the telly. Then the scratching sound again. He had beamed out to his safe heaven. We drifted off to sleep. I don’t know how long we slept before Babah jumped off the bed again. I decided not to bother, but had the foresight to protect myself with the duvet again.

When we woke up for Subuh, Babah informed me that he saw Mickey by my bag. My Furla ? He was sniffing my Furla ? Then I remembered the Red Bean roti I intended for my breakfast. Babah fished it out of my beautiful Furla, didn’t find any holes but threw it away all the same.

When I tidied up the room before I left for work, I saw a tin of cheese balls that had holes on its plastic cover. Threw that away and washed my hands vigorously to kill off the mouse germs. Don’t know where he had been, my friends.

Went to work, not suspecting anything. Had breakfast. By 11 am, my mind started to wander off to the lovely kacangs in my bag. Took it out and promptly saw a hole in the corner. Aiii ? I had it wrapped in paper and therefore tore off the paper wrapping away and saw another hole at the plastic wrapping. Truth dawned and it hurts. But there is nothing I can do about it.

It made a sickening thud as it landed at the bottom of my wastepaper bin.

I bought it only yesterday ( well RM1 was generously donated by my friend Sue and I only paid the remaining 30 sen ) and had only had a few pieces. I had wanted to eat more but Marieanne kept telling me of the calorific horrors of the lovely nuts, I had to put it away… for me to secretly eat it behind her disapproving back of course.

But now… when I am safe in my Shah Alam office ( the lovely Marieanne is in the KL office ), when I finally decided it is safe to eat some, there is a big hole in the paper ( that is why I double wrapped it in paper, tak mau bagi masuk angin… ) !! No doubt the work of the flipping mouse !

Waaaahhhh !!

Tu lah Marieanne !! Sekarang langsung tak dapat makan….

Kurus le aku …. He he….


lilysuriani said...

HAHAHA sian ko. meh datang sini, aku beli lg sebungkus.hari ni ngan esok, minah tu tak de. ko boleh makan dengan senang hati huahaha.

Sheik said...

kuaci dan dia tak makan ke?

iKHMAR said...

Hi there!
Dah lama x update erk...

me said...


nasib baik la tikus tu tak makan FURLA..kalu tak naya oooo (Dan la yg naya :D)

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sib n Sheik buat gelak yek... Nanti korang.

Thank you Sue... Aku nak 3 bag !!

Waalaikumsalam.... dah lama tak update blog sebab busy... ni nak rajin sikit ni... ada cerita baru.. hehe

me said...

at least blog nih ada update jugak....dari blog darling hubby tu...dah x update2! :D

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Aku dah jenuh suruh dia update... segan katanya.... ha ha