Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Mama Miaow

I had luch with my mom and sister today and somehow I was reminded of an incident that happened when I was ooh…. I don’t know…9 ? 10 ?

Well anyway, Mummy made chillie corn carne that day. I remember sitting down, just me and her having lunch. She had chilli dog and I chillied a burger. Yumm…. Fat kidney beans, glistening diced onions mingled with beef and tomato sauce.


I remember sinking my fork in the burger and my knife poised to cut when I heard a miaow. Looked at my mom and she was already looking at the source of the noise, somewhere behind us.

I turned and there it was, Mama Miaow a stray cat that mum 2-3 days ago sent to the market (kes buang kucing lah ni).

Well we call her Mama Miaow because she likes to breed and mum must have had enough of her litter… errm… littering around.

Anywhere, there she was, mewing at us, announcing her arrival home.

I looked at my mom, she sighed and we resumed eating.

Then mum took out some ikan bilis, fried them and mixed them with rice before giving it to the stubborn cat.

I tell you, I thought she would get more food at the market, wouldn’t she ? Why did she come back ?

So that is why, every time I had chillie (even bolognese) I would suddenly think about that day with my mum.

He he…


Desert Rose said...

Aku terlambat, aku baru nak gelak citer hg terketaq2 sb terkonon nampak Dan eh silap, EnKamil dan pompuan lain, dah la panggey nama pun silap, awat la aku ada kawan biol mcm ni ha????? Ya Allah, pasaipa lah aku ditemukan dgn pontianak ni, aku tak buleh berenti gelak ni tulungggggg

liadevega said...

mula la tu...satgi ramai la org tanya apa benda chillie corn carne hang tu..termasuk la aku (yg belum dpt rasa rosti hang lagi...huhu... sblm aku beranak boleh?)

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ya... Coney dog kat A&W tu boh Chillie corn carne lah ataih dia... macam bolognese sauce tapi dia pedaih gila... Okeh nanti aku panggey mai raya aku buat rosti sekali...

DR... pasaipa hang tuduh aku ni ? Aku tak paham sungguh lah sebabnya aku dah habaq dah kan bukan aku... Siap panggey aku pontianak lagi... senduk sungguh.

Anonymous said...

adehh adehh bila la citer Pn Myra tersilap sangka laki org tu laki dia nih akan habis...aku baru aje abis gelak 2 hari lepas, tapi gelak balik hari nih sbb ada org komen..muhahahahaha..

sapa lagi kalu tak anon :D

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Anon... Gelak lagilah... Aku okay punya... ha ha sebab bukan aku nih...