Thursday, April 09, 2009

Explaining my IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Yesterday, my colleagues forced me to follow them for lunch. I refused as usual because I have to watch what I eat. My condition meant that I can only eat carbs sparingly and being Asian, carbs is the main feature in most dishes. And therfore food on sale is laden with them.

I always tapau. Something that I bring from home or bought early in the morning. I either have a light breakfast and heavy lunch or the other way around. Since moving to this new office where food is hard to find, I usually eat something heavy in the morning and for lunch light stuffs like fruits, biscuits or even cereal.

I have been here 4 months and they are still horrified of my eating habits. “Biscuits only, ah ?” Or “Fruits again ?”

I succumbed to their well meaning pressure yesterday so off I went with them, toting my cereal. As they enjoyed their nasi and mee goreng, the 3 of them kept looking at my food.

“I can’t believe that is all you are eating…” Said one.

“Do you want to order something ? Kenyang ke ?” Said another.

I know, I know… It doesn’t look appetising but this is all I could take. Anyway since I have a big breakfast, I am usually still full by lunch. You see if I have lunch, I couldn’t take dinner and dinner is important to me because it is a family affair. I cannot miss dinner. In order to have dinner, my lunch has to be sparse.

Anyway, dinner is something that I can control. Let’ see. Monday we went to Kuting Besar where I only take the lauks and I was fasting that day, so no breakfast or lunch.

Tuesday bought mee hoon goreng for breakfast, then fruit salad for lunch. Dinner I made chicken sandwiches and minestrone soup, which again I controlled the ingredients. Loads of veg and very little macaroni in the soup.

Yesterday, I heated up the yong tau foo I bought from Monday’s pasar malam. That is breakfast. Cereal for lunch. I made chicken pie for dinner. I am okay eating short crust pastry. I think… well so far I am okay with it.

This morning, chicken soup for breakfast and nothing for lunch because the soup was very filling. Tonight I am making crema e spinachi, which is fettucini with chicken and spinach in cream sauce.

Tomorrow morning I think leftover minestrone, maybe cereal again for lunch and maybe night time I can have some rice, if tonight’s fettucine agrees with my tummy. Or else, a sandwich ? Probably.

Anyway, there you go. That is usually the nature of my menu. I love rice like any normal Asians, but I just can’t. I do not want to bloat. Actually I am sooo bloated right now, I am racking my brain for the cause of it. Surely not milk ?


1 comment:

Sheik said...

Amalkan makan sesudu madu asli (bukan madu orang asli) setiap pagi utk membetulkan masalah dalaman perotmu.