Friday, September 22, 2006

Memories of Ramadhan part 2

Today, I will reminisce about my Ramadhans with my dear friend Shazleen.
During our form 4 and 5, Leen and I diligently went for Terawikh. As fas as I could remember, there was not a day that we missed at all. But we had a mission. We must try all the suraus in Shah Alam that is within our reach. I remember we started with surau seksyen 6, then seksyen 4 ( ini best, by 9.30 dah selesai 8 rakaat. Tapi itu mentaliti dulu.. sekarang lagi lama lagi bagus.... hahaha... ye ke ? ), surau seksyen 3 ( I don't really like this surau because the carpet was red and yellow.... penin.... ) then our masjid ( this was quite nice as we saw a lot of our friends there ).
I also remember that we didn't know the last day of puasa, there is no terawikh. So there we were, meeting up at surau Seksyen 6. We went in in our telekungs but this time we got loads of stares from the men lounging at the surau's porch. We grinned at them ( what else to do ? ) and walked up the stairs to the ladies section, which we noticed from the start was strangely dark, and sans other ladies. Are we the first to be there ? We switched on the lights and waited, and waited, and waited. Then we heard takbir raya. Alamak... takbir ? And it slowly dawned to us that since first terawikh is the night before first puasa, then the last terawikh was the night before last puasa !! Wargghhh..... malunya.
SO what did we do ? We hid there until we were sure there were not many people around anymore. We slowly crept down the stairs, looked around and legged it !!
This year I will be going with my husband and since Shah Alam ada banyak surau sekarang and we have vehicles, our perimeter would be bigger. Hopefully I will bump into you guys in the surau and we can terawikh ( and giggle - giggling are mandatory for girls... there is nothing anybody can do about it. Anu, Shazmi, Shah, Dan and Sib have tried separating Amelia and I when we meet [ we are not allowed to sit next to eachother ], but we still managed to giggle sitting apart ) and beribadat together. I feel nothing will make us closer than that.
After re-reading this, I feel good. At least I have some sort of a memory box that I can visit from time to time, to remind me of my friends and my own self. Sometimes, when we feel empty, for whatever reason - humans do that all the time, or feel that our past is not rich with love, experience or whatever, we can always go back to see if it really was.
Right now, I feel loved, and humbled by friendships that I have from all my friends. I also feel glad that I have good, ke jalan Allah type of stories to tell my kids and my grandkids. " Dulu, masa Tok muda-muda, Tok pi ngan kawan Tok semayang terawikh, tak pernah miss...... blah, blah, blah " Hmmm...........
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak to all my friends, especially you my dimpled friend...


Sheik said...

Rasulullah SAW:

"Barang siapa melakukan shalat malam di bulan Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala Allah, niscaya diampuni dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih)

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Memang nak pi... dok kumpul duit ni Min. Baru cukup tambang untuk sorang !! Hahahahah