Friday, October 28, 2011

It's Friday...

So today around 5 pm I called home and asked Bibik to "keluarkan daging...". She of course did what she was told but that is lah. She didn't bother to soak it in water to speed up the thawing process so when I got home at 6.30 the damn thing was still as hard as rocks.

So when I saw the thing still solid molid, aku rendam and hoped that she will emulate what I did in the future. Aku bukan apa, I just do not want to start to talk sebab when I talk kang kecik hati. And second, when I start I need all the willpower in this whole darn world to stop.

Kang ko tak suka aku tak pasal-pasal kang.

Anyway... I was summoned by a bigwig just now. Kecut jap. But before I went I informed boss no.2 whom encouraged me to tell boss no.1. Boss no.1 cringed and asked if I am okay and of course I am okay. I did the damn report so whatever it is dah prepare lah apa2 yang perlu jawab.

When I returned, my 2 bosses looked at me and was relieved when I can explain our report well. Boss no.2 whispered to me that boss no.1 said if I got hammered, just tell the bigwig that it was all his, boss no.1's doing.

Awww..... So nice. So thoughtful. What a good boss. Terharu jap.

So now still waiting for the beef to thaw a bit more. Then boil it whole, then slice it, then fry the slices in deep oil, remove from oil, remove some of the oil, then fry garlic, onion, galangal and lemongrass in the oil, add ketchup, nampla, oyster sauce and daun limau purut, add salt and sugar and voila ! daging masak merah. As my darling Jubei's recipe. Sedap tau.

Sup suhun with prawns and veg dah siap.

And just heard the sound of the 'tup' sound from the rice cooker.

Better start looking at the beef again before the hungry people come home.

Take care. Hujan ni... best tido...


Naz in Norway said...

Morning Myra!

Tell me, do you have a magic wand? ;D

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kak Naz !!! Morning !!! Hehhehe..... my maid ? Can that be considered as my wand ?

Walaupun tak efficient punya wand... jadi le.. heheh

cek moon said...


so glad that you're back after a long silence.

sorry to hear about the house break-in.

cek moon

cek moon said...


nampla tu apa kemende? hehehe...

cek moon

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Cek moon,

thank you for your pity.

Nampla is err.... kicap sotong. That is what we used to call it lah before we know it's real name. Alah, the sauce from thailand yg ada gambaq sotong tu... Hope that helps....