Friday, November 07, 2008

Series Review : Puaka Niyang Rapik….. Uweekk…

Cerita Melayu susah dipuji. Ada aje yang tak kena… bagi mata aku lah…. Tak tahulah orang lain macamana..

But when praise is due, I would gladly give them… Readers of my blog can attest to that.

Maybe I haven’t done the praising but since it is due, I commend the production of Kekasih Ku Seru. It was enjoyable, the actors were good and the … alahai… apa benda kita panggil… aaa… special effects (I had to call Babah and asked for the word… I tell you my mind is failing me… I forget words…. Nak doa minta kat Allah tolong restore my memory pun boleh terlupa… he he….) were believable.

We as a family like it very much. All of us would camp at my mom’s house where Mummy cooked delicious dinner and by 9.30 all of us would be in front of the telly (some with bantals in hand) ready to be scared stiff.

The next day Abang would start discussions on yesterday’s episode and would talk about it through the weekend.

Sadly the series came into a conclusion last week (although it looked like there will be a second season) and was replaced by Puaka Niyang Rapik. We eagely waited for 9.30 and when it was aired, by 9.50 we were disspointed already. First problem is the ridiculous name. Don’t know lah if the place actually exist or there are places with similar sounding names, then I apologise for my ignorance.

Secondly… well it was just urrghh !! Terrible. The storyline I suppose was okay enough but the episode went on boringly we were glad that we could switch to Heroes on and off. I can tell you this it is nothing like Kekasih Ku Seru which captivated us form the very first episode. Lawan hantu pun boring with boring hantus and puakas with teeth a tad too long… he he…

I will give it another try next week, maybe it will pick up pace but if not… I will persuade Abang to watch Heroes instead. The bummer of it all is that it comes (or came) from the maker of I Am Not Single which was very entertaining (and Jangan Pandang Belakang)….


Anonymous said...

Kekasihku seru bole tgk lagi kat secara online streaming.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Thank you for the info...

Sheik said... gak aku sekali sekala jadik anonymous...hehehe

selain, bole gi TVU utk streaming TV

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Cess... penat je aku berbudi bahasa.. Kalau aku tau tu hang aku balaih "Tengkiu !!"

Ha ! Ha !

Sheik said...

aku pun selalu jenguk blog hang tiap2 hari... cuba bayangkan bila aku jenguk kadang-kadang tak de cerita baru...hampa guerrrr...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sudah lah ko.... Kalau aku update hari2.. ko dnegar citer aku makan apa... pi toilet pukul berapa dsbnya...

Sheik said...

hu hu.
malam tadi aku tengok puaka niyang rapik episod 2.

aku tak tengok episod 1, jadi bila tengok episod 2 nampak cam ok la utk sebuah drama terbitan melayu.

aku rasa hantu dia berasal satu planet dengan predator (yang arnold susah nak eja tu berlakon) sebab depa ada night hu hu

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Exactly brother. Lepas tu hantu dia sam je dengan hantu Jangan Pandang Belakang sebab mata dia sebijon dengan lampu belakang basikal tua ala-ala sudirman