Sunday, May 06, 2012

Doa Adik...

When we were in Mekah, I saw Adik kusyuk sangat berdoa. When a fellow jemaah Malaysia asked Adik what she asked for, she said, "Abang saya dapat 5A...". That earned her a hug from the lady, a cheek squeeze that looked painfull and loads of praises on what a good sister she is.

Then, "Saya nak adik..." which made myself and Kamil blushed like mad because the conversation happened in a very crowded bus from the airport waiting lounge to the airplane.

Satu kerja pulak.

Anyway... her doa belum makbul lagi... and I must say not from lack of trying ... on her parents' side, of course.

I have to say, she really, really want one. I know enought to expect her requests after each session with her cousins Izan and Nabil (bukan nama sebenar..hahahah). One day though she got really frustrated, she said "Saya nak adik... Macamana haa nak dapat adik ?", fists up, face contorted in desperation.

Kamil jawab, "Jangan ketuk pintu bilik Abah...."


It is Sunday night already. Kamil is making homemade burgers and a mess in the kitchen. Esok dah kerja... Sigh...


Nadia.Is.Cute said...


2/3 of mine are already asking for twins. Tolong ya.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ko nak aku tolong camne tu, Nad ?