Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Post ketika mengantuk

I am so sleepy.

Bangun pagi-pagi tadi it was raining heavily. I felt like tarik selimut aje balik but of course I can't. Work beckoned.

Kamil couldn't go to work because his dad was poorly and had to be sent to the hospital. He was admitted and is sleeping over tonight at least. As usual whenever his dad is hospitalised, Kamil would not eat. Probably due to worry. So, for both of their sakes, I pray for Abah's health.

Work today was plenty. A-ha.. that is the word, plenty. And pelbagai. Ahahhaha. Yeah, I am surprised I could still laugh at times like this. Something transpired at the work place. Something that made me sad. But there is nothing I could do about it. I was surprised at the turn of events, though.

While Kamil was with his dad, the kids and I took the opportunity to dine on delicious Italian food. We were seated next to a group of mat sallehs...and Adik... started to speak in English accents. Saja je....

She started of with "Mummy.... can I have the steaks, please....." Only instead of saying steaks, she accidentally said stick... Hehhehe.... To her chargrin and Abang's delight, of course. The mat sallehs took her bait and looked at her and then me, curiously. Hehhehe.... Adik saja je....

She is really funny. And she makes me happy. Abang made me happy with his trial results. He got A in Penulisan which is something really rare. Let us hope he can do the same for the real exam.

I just realised, makin lama makin tak de cerita menarik that I can share..... Hmmmm....

Take care, darlings.

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