Saturday, August 25, 2012

Raya ramblings

Selamat Hari Raya !!

And please do not think that I have forgotten this space... I have not. I have forgotten the password is all... Haha... Makcik dah tua ! Semuanya lupa....

Alhamdullilah after many dedicated tries, terjumpa lah jugak akhirnya the password yang selama hari ni hilang....

Puasa tahun ni was not that good. I was busy with work so I had to miss a lot of terawikhs.

Raya is also rather mediocre because I was bogged down with worry about work. Worry saja. Doing the actual work tidak jugak because I was busy. Ada aje rumah yang nak kena pergi and people who came to visit.

Today my BFF came with her sister and their children. Sungguh malu because I had nothing to serve but kuih raya. Tak sempat because I honoured an open house invite so I did not have the time to prepare anything for my own guests.

Tak boleh jadi ni. I vowed to at least simpan keaw tiaw (I seriously do not know how to spell this) dalam fridge. But... keaw tiaw yang disimpan di dalam fridge adalah sangat tak best sebab it hardens and doesn't fry very well.

Raya as I said was uneventful. Salam, makan, melawat. I have no idea how to spice things up a bit. Hehehhe..... What mengarut punya thinking.

Puasa tahun ni we didn't buka outside at all. Only once did we go for a buffet with IRM. The rest were taken at home. Oh yeah. I finally did something with my treacherous driveway. It is friendly and beautiful now. We also knocked down the pintu, tingkap and dinding at the kitchen to make one huge spanking door. And painted the wall light blue which was very nice.

Okay... I wish it was a bit lighter... the blue.... After the wall was painted Kamil looked at me, expecting me to complain. So as expected I did not do the expected and gushed my love towards the now light blue wall. I don't think Kamil bought it but I think he is very much relieved by the lack of drama.

He just doesn't know that I will attempt to re-paint it, fully expecting that he will do the majority of the work. He always does what is expected of him.

The kids are getting bigger. They infuriate me and make me happy at the same time, as kids are wont to do.

I am tired.


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