Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hysteria at Sek Projek

I was shocked by a piece of news in the papers yesterday. About Sek Projek being plagued by hysteria… eee…. Scary.

I seriously do not know what causes hysteria ( ini hysteria lain tau… hysteria yang menjerit2 sakan tu, bukan hysteria beli kasut macam Melia and I ). Psychological or hantu-al or even pura-pura-al sebab saja nak cari publisiti, but when it happens, it is damn scary. Morbidly scary.

It took me back to when our school was attacked (?) by these hysterical people ( no pun intended ). The athletes were back from MSSN and they came home weird. I remember being first made aware of the funny situation during rehat where all these girls were sitting down looking stony. I said hello and none replied. Then the whispers told me what happened.

The first screaming happened after rehat. It was bad but not as bad as the day after. We were having our lab that day when I heard screaming teamed with some mad ramblings that seemed to come from the ERT lab above us. We were shocked. Puan Zahare ( remember her ? Everything she said ended with the vowel E… oreng Perek gameknye ) looked worried. We didn’t do anything but just sat down and listened to the commotion upstairs.

Then we noticed a few movements outside on our left. There were our heroes, all the ustazs rushing to the surau to take wudhu’. I have to say I was swelled with pride when I saw them, rolling up their sleeves as they hurried to the surau. In my head though, is etched the vision of Ustaz Shukry Torpedo calmly walking…. I don’t know why, but I remember that most.

Anyway, we were ushered to our classroom and we waited there. Everybody was nervous. We could hear people screaming everywhere. Then a senior appeared at our door. He looked tired and was sweaty. He ordered us to look at the masjid.

At that moment I got angry. I don’t know why but I felt everything was so absurd and couldn’t fathom how looking at the masjid could help any of us. I questioned his rationale for us to do so. He was pissed off. He said it is really entirely up to me. I then looked at Amelia and told her it is better if we recite Quranic verses.

Then we were asked to go home. School buses were already called and we were instructed to call our parents if they were our means of transport. Amelia and I and our school bus buddies waited for our bus at the usual spot, at gate B. The scene outside our classroom was… well, it was topsy turvy. Total mayhem. People were running, kids were screaming and being restrained. Teachers and the seniors looked harried and tired. Many looked scared.

Then… he he … something funny happened. One girl got loose. And she was fast heading our way. At the same time, one bee was hovering near us and we were dodging it. I screamed for everybody to run and as I ran I turned around and saw my bestfriend Amelia was left behind. She was flapping here and there. The bee was attacking her and the hysterical girl was fast going her way. I screamed and screamed for her to run but she was busy evading the bee. At the end, some other students caught the escaped girl and the bee looked for another victim. Amelia resumed her journey and I waited for her before we crossed the street together.

Phew…. I don’t know what would be worse for her. The bee sting or being at the mercy of a hysterical being. I wonder if the girl was meaning to attack somebody or she was just running away from her captors.

I wonder what was going on her mind. In fact, I won an essay writing competition at school once and my topic was hysteria. I do not remember which hysteria event that prompted me to write on it but I remember enough that I was really intrigued by a story of a girl who got the hysteria. She said she was possessed. I changed the topic of my essay at the last minute without any practice to write on that. In that essay, I imagined that I got the hysterics ( ye ke ? Diserang hysteria ? ) and tried to articulate what happened inside me when I was screaming and ranting.

Anyway, what really happened ? Were they really possessed ? I do not remember the full details or if what I am going to say is even true, but I believe one of those girls do not fully recover. When we left school, she was still sort of in a trance. Ye ke ? I don’t remember. Or maybe it was not anybody from our school but the other school where TV3 made a documentary about.

I remember Anu’s father said that it is all in their mind. But, who would willingly participate in a screaming marathon for long ? I for one would be embarrassed and would be very conscious of my red face and hoarse voice… susah aa nak dapat boyfriend lepas tu dak ?…. He he…..


Anonymous said...

I remember masa kat Mozac (boarding school melaka) dulu, we had the same hysteria event. Since I was the girl head prefect, kenalah stay macho kan and handle the situation well. There was this one girl from Sabah (just like you described)..stonny, lost in her own world and I believe kena rasuk ; also another local girl from Melaka (yg nie I tak percaya, she wanted more attention). We avoid lookig straight into their eyes, we have to consistently zikir / read Quranic verses to strengthen ourselves, avoid duduk kat hujung kaki depa (sit on their side not hujung kaki), and we have to remain calm and "strong" sebab kita tengah berdepan dengan syaitan. God is with us.

Anonymous said...

sambung sikit...i believe nie semua kerja syaitan. that's why kita kena sentiasa ingat Allah dan berusaha untuk meningkatkan iman dan takwa or in other words our spiritual strength; sebagai benteng pertahanan dari musuh Allah.
eh...lecture macam ustazah pulak!