Tuesday, May 27, 2008

That reminds me of….

You cannot live your life without memories. If you have no memories I will assume that you have been living your life stoned. Either with alcohol or drugs, it doesn’t matter… you were stoned during the course of your life if you have no memories. Well of course this theory doesn't apply if you sufferes from amnesia or drugged due to illness or something like that...well... you know what I mean.

I am sure everybody is like me. Certain things will evoke certain memories. Be it by smell, by touch or mostly by sight, some things can trigger memories.

Sometimes when I see a deodorant, especially blue Rexona ones, I will inadvertently think about Abe. He he….

For as long as I could remember, I have been very conscious about my B.O (body odour). Mummy selalu pesan to tempek our ketiak with bedak ketiak… he he…. Malu je kalau orang bau ketiak masam…. Said my mother. Dulu-dulu we used the ones dalam peket warna putih and ada gambar orang angkat ketiak dia kat depan….

Jenuh le aku dok menempek my own armpits with deodorants that promises sweet smelling experience for myself and people surrounding me….ha ha.

Come high school, I kept a bottle of blue Rexona inside my bag for emergencies (I still have an emergency bottle in my drawer at my office). The powdered ones are hard to keep because it kept spilling in my bag so I switched to Rexona for bag devoid of powdery substance experience.

One day, during form 1 when our school was terrorized by the ketua pengawas, I entered my class to receive news that the prefects did a spot check in our class. Fine. As I walked to my place, Abe intercepted me.

“Myra. Kak Asni ambik barang ko lah….” Said he, face all serious.

That didn’t sound too good. My heart quickened.

“Ambik apa ?”

“Alah… dia ambik benda tu….” Said he.

“Benda apa, Be ?” I asked again. His reluctance to mention what was taken from me made me more scared.

“Alah…. Dia ambik barang ketiak ko….” Said he, still serious. What made it terrible was (apart from he is a boy) that he raised his arm and showed how it was done… the applying of the Rexona to the armpit, that is. I immediately could feel my face heated up and I know my face had turned red.

“Itu pun nak ambik ke ?” I hid my shame behind anger.

“Itulah… aku pun tak tahu….” Said the very helpful Abe.

I said my thanks and valiantly tried to appear nonchalant.

Sebab itulah kadng-kadang bila aku nampak deodorant, especially yang brand Rexona and colour biru… aku ternampak si Abe dengan mukanya yang serious itu…
He he…

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