Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lack of new books

I have no book reviews to do because well………….. I malas… he he… Anyway since the economy has gone wonky and expensive, have been re-reading a lot of my books until I realised that I have no more books to re-read. Can’t believe I have finally exhausted my books. What to do but buy a new one…. I just have to, don’t I ?

Well anyway, I read 2 good books in May and June. I was lucky they were good cause can’t afford stupid books nowadays. Well May book was by Lisa Jewell. She is one of my favourite authors so I had a 50% chance that hers won’t stink and it didn’t.

Book Review : 31 Jump Street by Lisa Jewell

This book is about love, about being too nice and about parental responsibility…. Sounds normal but it is not.

Well the guy protagonist ( I have so forgotten the name. It was 2 months ago….. Let’s call him Ralph) is a would be poet who was given a house by his father when the father re-married and upped and left him to relocate to South Africa (they have never been close. His mother was a model and his father just couldn’t get over the fact how a gangly and ugly boy could come out of his wife). It was a huge house and since Ralph’s wife left him soon after he got the house, he was very much alone.

He advertised the rooms for rent but asked the people interested to write a letter and tell him why they deserve to live there. And therefore the house was filled with people with problems and sad stories and waywards who have nowhere to go. There they live quietly for many, many years but he doesn’t really socialize with his tenants.

Everything changed when his older tenant died and left him with a lot of money. It coincided with a letter from his father’s solicitor (everything connecting to his dad was done via this solicitor) expressing his father’s wish to see him. He decided to sell the house to impress his dad… but not before he had every one of his tenants’ lives sorted out before he kicks them out.

It is a good book with a lovely idea. The arrival of his gorgeous neighbour in his life made the book even more interesting because who could bear the thought of the hero ending up alone. He is too nice for the world to be that shitty to him.

I totally recommend this book, another masterpiece by Miss Lisa Jewell.

My June book was

Book Review : Friday’s Knitting Club by I Dunno

Sorry…. It is written by a writer I am not familiar with and therefore have forgotten her name. Anyway… I hated this book at first. It was slow and confusing that I put it away for an Agatha’s Christie’s masterpiece instead.

However the book picked up after a few chapters and became very interesting and lovely. About Georgia who found herself pregnant and very much alone in New York. She called her parents about her predicament and announced her intention to come home. However when Anita, a stranger, found her knitting at a park and approached her, the rest, as people say, is history.

Georgia opened a knitting store, raised her daughter alone and together with Anita who worked for her part time, made friends with her customers and established a Knitting Club.

Although Georgia is the main character, the book talks about each member of the club and how their lives entwined. It is a very good book because after reading I was rather ashamed of myself. Because from that book I learnt that wallowing in a broken heart brings nothing good. Don’t be too involved in your pain that there is no room for forgiveness because life is too short and too precious. It was our Rasullullah SAW had always recommended, forgive and be forgiving.
I should start right now…. Allah is great… He teaches me through every medium available. He he…

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