Friday, November 19, 2010

Sudah jatuh tangga di timpa...

I am at home. It's Friday morning but I am at home. You wouldn't believe me when I tell you why. I didn't believe it myself.

So there I was last night, around 10 pm when Kamil ajak masuk tidur. I saw him inspecting his baju so I offered to iron it for him. So I ironed and then I ironed some more than suddenly the bloody ironing board was falling down and hit me toe.

The toe on the good leg.

And I started jumping because the pain was unbelievable. I still couldn't quite believe it myself. It was beyond excruciating and I started crying. My kids were frantic and being kids, they started crying too. The skin underneath the nail was already blue.

Couldn't sit, couldn't stand, couldn't lie down as nothing I did could make the pain go away. While being assaulted by the pain and Kamil's angry tirade (jantan kan... kalau kita sakit ke apa ke mesti dia marah-marah dulu... more on that later...)I remembered the pain killers that the ortho prescribed for my torn ligament. Took one and tried to sit still. Masa tulah Kamil started using his head instead of his mouth. He filled in a bucket with water and asked me to soak my foot in it.

It numbed the pain somewhat and the pain receded by maybe 20%.

"Why are you guys crying ?" He asked our sobbing children. Because they love their mother lah, no need to ask.

The pain was quite bearable by then so Kamil took me to the hospital. Again. Sigh........

The good doctor was very sympathetic. Btw, Kamil did all the talking. Siap cerita pasal the torn ligament on the other leg. Why must he divulge that particular info aku tak tahu.

Doc injected pain killer on my arse and then said, "Jadi ni sudah jatuh di timpa tangga lah ni ya..."

I said, "No doc, sudah jatuh tangga di timpa ironing board..." Hehhehehehehe... Sempat lak buat lawak.

Anyway the way home was more pleasent for me. The oral pain killer and the one administered on my physiatic area must have kicked in but I must say it was not totally gone. The pain was still there but just more managable.

The pain however didn't get to be managed by moi at all around 1 am when I was rudely woken up by this super humongous pain. It was bad, I started wailing. Kamil said, memang lah just tidur. I happened to be sleeping just now okay but the pain woke me up ! Nak tidur apanya ?

I went down to do something but there was nothing I could do. I mean what could I ? Tried the ice but it made it worse some more. The throbs tu yang aku tak tahan tu. Aku berguling trying to take in the pain, sambil-sambil trying to watch the telly to take my mind off it.

Sambil-sambil tu berzikir minta ampun kat Allah as I have been told over and over again sometimes Allah nak cuci dosa. Apalah dosa aku sampai macam tu sekali sakitnya tapi aku reda. Sebab being manusia I could be rather narcissistic by asking apalah dosa aku.... Hhehehehe....

I went upstairs again and terus teringat air yang ustaz made for me when I moved to the house. He said use the air if ada yang demam or something like that so I took one bottle and poured it on my toe. It was a miracle as I couldn't feel the pain. I really couldn't as long as I kept a steady stream on my toe. So I mixed some of the air in the basin that Kamil made for me earlier and tried soaking the throbbing toe. It worked ! Really it did. I could still feel the throbs but the pain was much, much less. Tapi berapa lama I could sit like that ? Plus, bila air dah makin suam, the magic started wearing off.

I took my foot out and somehow, it was morning. Kamil had left for work and my toe was okay.

It is still very much blue now but I didn't feel anything.

Okay while I am writing this, it is beginning to throb again but nothing I couldn't handle. I have the pain killer ready and they better work longer than 2 hours as I could only take it once a day.

So... dua-dua kaki ada masalah. The torn ligament has not fully healed yet and I have to deal with this one pulak.

Aku geleng kepala. Mak aku geleng kepala. And boss aku so far belum kata apa-apa lagi. Kamil.. well I have heard him membebel already.

I mean, what is up with that ? Masa aku dok terloncat-loncat tu he barraged me with a thousand questions. What happened ? How it happened ? What did you do ? Blah, blah, blah... And then he started saying how the nail would come off later and went on and on and on.

What happened to tender loving care ? Kalau tak pun, meraung macam anak-anak aku sebab punya kesian tengok bini tersayang in pain is better than membebel tak tentu pasal.

So... that is my story.


kay_leeda said...

This is all I can say babe, "sabar sabar sabar". So MC lah hari ni?? Besh nye...*jeles tahap naruto*

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

sian nya kat hang...

btw nak tambah garam perisa.. aku rasa org jantan mmg lagu tu. kita sakit, lagi dok bebel. bebel pulak tu bukan sikit2.. mengalahkan org pompuan. kekdg aku rasa baik la kita dok diam2 dari cerita kat depan...


but still... kesian sungguh kat hang!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kak Kay seriously I'd rather pi kerja than menanggung sakit ini... Nan la pun dah start sakit ni ha....

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Konot... aku berterima kasih for your pity and for telling me that I married a typical man.

Madam Tai Tai Again said...

La...yang the good foot pulak.. Poor you. Ni kena mandi air bunga ni. Hahaha...

Hope the throbbing will ease off soon. Don't put pressure on the foot, lift it off the ground if possible. And hope Kamil will come around and start to membelai you today.

Ah-Zee said...

think positive.. u were in d act of being an isteri mithali (gosok baju suami). May u be rewarded manifolds on top of ur kesabaran menahan kesakitan. Amin.

Harap2 Kamil will be extra attentive towards u these few days on account of ur debilitating condition.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kak Gina, I would be needing tulips and tiger lilies and Lady Di's roses I think.. because my malady is serious !!!!

Thank you for the advise and Kamil... well... he uses his mouth whenever he is in panic mode. Why am I more mature ?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ah-Zee.. I hope so too. U are right, I was gosoking his baju so it is all his fault ! Ha ! Can't wait for him to come home so that I can start throwing that at him .. Yeay !

Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

Yes it was all his fault!! but can I suggest that sebenarnye all his bebelan comes out of panic and that he is using it to mask his worry for you (i tak kesah what he is going to say to this, I am 100 percent convinced this is true he he he!) so when he bebel lagi tu, tandanye sayaaang..In the meantime sounds really bad and broken...hope you get better soon...!Baru nak ajak lunch!!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Superwoman, that was he said when I pecah rahsia dia kat my mom... Hehehhehe..... Jahat kan I ?

I naaaakkk aje lunch ! Let's go !