Saturday, February 04, 2012


The kids are asleep. Kamil is downstairs watching the telly. I am on the bed, trying to get my bearings right.

I am quite poorly. Been sick since Tuesday. Dunno why I was woken up in the wee hours of that Tuesday morning by this hacking cough. I was coughing like mad in the office so much so by afternoon, my voice was already scratchy.

I could only manage to go for a quick visit to the Doctor's before rushing back to the office. I scoffed a bar of Picnic in the car and that was considered as my lunch. I worked but I can't concentrate as by that time everytime I cough, it sort of pulled all the muscles in my head with it and by 5, I was already nursing a headache.

Can't continue working at home as body had started aching. Kamil commented on my warm skin but Wednesday morning I still dragged myself out of bed.

Tried to work and put up with all the crap at the office. I was trying to ignore the pain and trying to forget how pissed off I was.

Yeah, let's not talk about that one. But I must tell you my annoyance and anger was quite severe that I was contemplating of just throwing the towel and give up.

Sigh... Too bad I love my job too much to do that.

So I tried to concentrate on work the whole darn week. Come Friday when one of my staff was on MC, I couldn't help but feel how unjust everything is. I should have been on MC since Tuesday. My body ache so, my throat do not just have frogs, but bears and racoons, too.

That is why today, after the flurry of classes and preparation for Bangkok and Umrah, I suddenly found myself awaken from slumber. Just too tired. Too darn sick, too.

I need a rest.

I didn't finish up my work. Malam semalam had a Chinese New Year dinner at my ex-boss' house. Pegi jugak walaupun I felt like tumbang-ing.



Oh yeah, Thursday we were summoned to the Group CEO's office. Dah lah demam, dok ketaq pulak tu. But he was nice. He said hai and smiled.

So, okay kot.


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