Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I ask again, "Why ?"

I don’t really understand men. My husband being one is included. Of course. Hah !

One of the things that irritate me to no end, about that husband of mine, is his need to lie about his lunch menus, or lack of. Usually around 3 to 4 pm either one of us would call each other and ask about dinner plans, hoping that the other one has something specific in mind.

What we have for dinner usually is based upon what we each have for lunch. Say if Babah had rice for lunch, we would either have western food or noodles for dinner. But Babah being Babah, 70% of the time would say that he didn’t have anything during the day.

“I tak makan lunch hari ni… kenyang from breakfast…” Or

“I busy giler hari ni tak sempat makan lunch….” Or

“I takde mood nak makan hari ni so I makan biskut/roti/minum air je…” Or
"I satu hari tak makan... Breakfast tak, lunch pun tak..."

These proclaimation would be done in a such pitiful way, I would react accordingly, in a very sympathetic manner. It is natural isn’t it ? Kesian Babah tak makan lunch/one whole day.

Sometimes the discussion of what to fill our bellies would linger until we got home whence we would enlist the help of our progenies.

So one day after answering with one of the above and taking the discussion home, I suggested nasi briyani. And do you know what my husband said, “Tak nak lah, I makan nasi tadi….”

I froze, but my eyes blinked and blinked and blinked at him. He had the audacity to ask “Whaaaattt ?” at my frozen, apart from my eyes, state.

“You told me that you had nothing for lunch…. Just now… JUUUUSSSTTT now you said you had nasi….” A sheepish smile formed on his face, which turned into a huge grin.

“What is going on ? Did you have lunch or not.. ?” Asked me, rather forcefully I have to admit, but that is all due to shock and my head was busy trying to decipher the situation.

“Ye ke ?” He had the gall to ask.

I folded my arms and waited …..

“Makan….” He finally admitted. “Tapi sikit je…..” Now wearing a wounded animal look.

I looked at him, eyes never wavered from his face.

“So tell me… berapa percent of the times you told me you had nothing to eat for lunch is true ?”

"UUhmm... Ahhh.... Hmmm..... Errr.......50 ?” And my incredulous face returned.

“Why ? Why ? Why ?” I went and he went, “Saja…..” and grinned.

Now that incident happened like 2 years ago and when I related that story to my trusted colleague Sue, she tried to enlighten me by saying, “Dia macam aku lah, Myra… nak cari simpati…” And I awarded her the same look I gave Babah the night before. Comprehension of it all never came.

Why did I tell this story now ? Well because it happened again last night. And I warned him, that husband of mine. I warned him by saying, “This is sooo going in my blog….”

I kept true to my words.

Why ? Why ? Why ? Help me…


Sheik said...

Tu mmg jawapan standard lelaki lah...hehe, sama macam aku.

Kadangd-kadang lelaki bila jawab soalan tujuannya bukan for the sake nak jawab soalan, tapi:

1. nak dapatkan reaksi kesian dari isteri
2. to stop the chain reaction - dari satu soalan jadi bertalu-talu soalan tambahan.
3. memang dah ada jawapan standard dalam otak. jadi bila pop up je soalan biasa, jawapan standard pun keluar, walaupun tak betul situasinya.
4. saja-saja

sebab tu bila tanya lelaki bila ditanya: dah lunch?
jawapan: belum (jawapan standard)

the correct question to ask is not dah lunch atau belum, tapi kena tanya "TADI MAKAN APA?" or "TADI MASA KELUAR DENGAN KAWAN MAKAN APA?".

Soalannya macam sama tapi skema jawapan akan jadi not mention LUNCH in the question.

Aku perati kat budak-budak pun terjadi sindrom yg sama. Kalau nya "what did you learn today?" nanti mesti jawab "emm..tak ada apa-apa.." (sebenarnya malas nak jawab soalan subjektif mak dia)

Tapi bila tanya soalan ala-ala objektif @ spesifik "tadi teacher ajar lagu apa?", baru la terjawab.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Peh... mmg untung benor aku tulih psl subject ni hari ni.... Ko mmg buat aku gelak hari ni Sheik

Anonymous said...

aha....ako sokong jawapan sheik...mana tahu kot2 bagi jawapan 'tak makan tadi'...bini masak lauk pauk sodappppp! burppp! xcuse me :D

-errr what should i put...i guess Anonymous will do :D-

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Mr Anon (yg aku rasa aku kenal).... aku kalau masak mmg sedap so itu bukan alasan ekk....

Sheik said...

Soalan utk anonymous:
hari ni balik Seksyen 11 atau U11?

ho he ho he ho!

Anonymous said...

huahaha aku gelak sorang2 jam 2am ni..

tujuannya Dan ckp mcm tu sebab nak tunjuk dia bekerja kuat, x de masa nak hohahoha, nk suruh ko appreciate dia.n biasalah nk pancing simpati, dia tu penat etc.

kang, kalau aku tulis, panjang senarainya nanti.


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Mek, mung ke ni ? Kalau ni mung mmg le ko paham sebab perangai ko sama je .... peh.. !