Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun....

Yesterday around 6.05 I received a phone call from IRM. His mom passed away, not 15 minutes before from her illness.

Oh dear.

IRM is one of our dearest and closest friends. Granted we had only known him for 2 years I think but he has become quite an important person in our lives. And my family's.

Balik raya dia ikut. My cousin kawin dia tolong buat kerja kawin. So he is family.

I cannot take the pain away. Nothing can. I know maybe you are bored to hear this, but you have no idea how sorry I am and please, take good care of yourself. Sabar. That is the best and only thing I can offer you.

You want to sit down and cry ? Come.. we can do that.

You don't want to talk about it ? Sure, whatever makes you happy.

Kamil and I talked last night about how we wish we could stay over his house and teman dia. Or attend the funeral today. But I am too busy and Kamil much more than me. He just joined this new outfit last Friday and there is no way he can take leave.

Hmmm....... How our employers dictate our lives kan ? How we must be apologetic to them when something bad happened to us.

How funny.

How sad.

How exasperating is that ?


PS : On the way home from his house yesterday about half past midnight, Kamil noticed a very thick substance the size of rain drops were on the car screen. He tried water and wipers on it but it somehow made things a bit worse as the scattered droplets spread and smeared all over the screen. After a few attempts then it cleared somewhat.

Then, as we motor on new ones dropped from the sky like it was rain. But it was not rain. It was too thick. Kamil again had to do the multiple water and wipers trick. Then it happened again.

What the hell was on the car ? Or flying overhead us ?

I really do not want to analyse it but gatal nak cakap jugak...



Ah-Zee said...

on a sad note...al-fatihah for your fren's mother and my condolences to him and famuly.

on an eerie note... good thing, watever "being" it was that "drooled" on your windscreen preferred the windy night air while hitching a ride. Unlike My fren wasn't as lucky. The hitchhiker decided to plonk "herself" comfortably on my fren's backseat, whilst looking out the window. This happened in broad daylight. Nasib baik it wasnt menacing looking.


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ah Zee, on your sad note, thank you for your kindness.

On your eerie note, TIDAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!