Thursday, June 07, 2012

Of my ex-boss and meehoon

Today, on this very, very nice albeit an extremely hot morning, I would like to announce that I am truly grateful for my ex-boss, TSY.

Even though he has been rotated to other division, he is still taking care of us.. and still mentoring me. Still making sure I am able to cope. Still lending a hand.

And because of him, I can easily meet our numbers.

Alamak... rasa macam nak teriak lah pulak... Moving on...

I had the shock of my life yesterday. Read in the papers, an article on zits. Apparently not oily food nor nuts nor chocolates are the reasons for breakouts... Apart from stress, other contributing factors are white and wholemeal bread and....... wait for it... MEEHOON !!

I who meehon makes about 70% of my diet quickly ran to the loo to examine the detestable Kinabalu on the bridge of my nose which I have been valiantly trying to stem from turning into the Himalaya. 3 days of my life it took and now it looked stunted with crusty skin right on top. Then my eyes reverted right next to it where a Bukit Melawati is slowly growing and emitting angry red signals. When I say next, I do mean next. They are fighting for space, really.

Atas sikit ada dua lagi and just below my lip, one huge one too. Let us not talk about the tiny clusters on my upper lip.

And then I thought about my breakfast which was of course meehoon and I gagged.


Pass me the nutty chocolates !!!


Desert Rose said...

Its the stress la dear. Tukar kerja lahhh .hihi

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Apakah jaminan aku tak kan diserang jerawat di tempat kerja baru ?

Aku kerja ngan hang naa...

Desert Rose said...

Confirm awet muda hahahaha

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hahahha.... itu yang best.. Esok aku lapor diri...