Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Masalah hari ini



I am not preggers. Yeah, why should I be if we are not trying... But we have.

Since Mecca.

Why the change of hearts ? Well maybe because my daughter doa dengan penuh kusyuk di Tanah Suci.

But then, Allah belum izinkan lagi. Maybe because I am old. And perasan fertile.


No seriously...

Moving on to a less sombre topic (well.. a sombre one for me....)..

We are going to see Jason Mraz on the 19th so yeah ! Hehehhe... My last proper one was Alicia Keys and I am not counting Russel Peters as it was not a concert.

Russel Peters is a-okay. For some reason, a person spewing profanities on stage is funny. Don't get me wrong, I was laughing with the rest of them but when I look back, I laughed due to the bad words more than anything.


So... hmmm....

I have started baking again. Well.. when did I stop ? Since Mecca actually. But last month I started rolling my sleeves again and slaved away on the hot stove... or oven. I made Chocolate Cake with sauce last weekend and it was heaven... Tetapi because my pan was not big enough, most of the sauce oozed out and we were left with very little amount of it.

So.... I had an extremely valid reason to purchase a new one. A huge spanking 2L one.. hahah... Kamil could not say anything to that because he too was busy scraping what was left of the sauce. So he must acknowledge the fact that I need a new baking dish. The red brick one at the Curve... about RM200. Or IKEA has nice ones too....

Adik is driving me crazy with her antics.

Abang is driving me crazy with his girth.

I went to the Doctor and after one look and one poke on my shoulder, he said I am stressed out. Why, he asked.

Errmmmm.... my son ?

And he said, well.. if it my son then he will do nothing as a boy who doesn't give problems is a problem...

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