Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thou shall not fart in my car...

From when their were small, I had told my kids that before they err... release gas, they must warn me first. Just so I can do the necessary to not smell it.

It's an unwritten rule but constantly verbalised in my car. Even when I ferry other people's kids, I would tell them of the one golden rule i.e. one must inform the driver  before one farts so that she can roll down the window. She does not want to ingest the toxins released via one's butt via her nose.


But with my kids, nothing is ever simple. With this rule in their little minds, once in a very, very crowded lift, abang announced, "I want to fart !"

Damn ! I could not pretend he wasn't mine as I was holding his hand ! And then, a small voice that came from his sister behind him chimed in, "I farted ! Sorry....."

Ya Rabbi.... Help me, help me ! It was the longest ever lift ride. Ever !

Please do not ask me how I handled it, yeah ? Blustering fool I was. Hheheheh.....

Hari tu aku mengamuk sakan sebab on one fine day after like a 2-3 hours at a mall, not 5 minutes into our journey home, Abang wound down the window. I went totally ballistic as never have I rode in a car with my kids without one of them scrolling down the darn window. So that day I finally snapped and shouted, "We were in the mall for 2 freaking hours and you did not even fart once ! Masuk aje kete nak kentut ! Apa hal ?"

Hehhehe.... when I think about it, poor Abang..... But poor me too because one day rosak jugak tingkap tu from excessive usage !


Anyway last week Adik joined me in my Criminal Minds marathon. I dok syok-syok tengok when suddenly she sat up and said, "This is a very violent show !"

Belum sempat aku jawab she added, "Why did you let me watch it ?"

Hissshhh !!!!!

Semua salah mak bapak....


blu4sky said...

salam CPK,
adoii sakit perut I menahan gelak memalam buta..
children, they just so innocent.. cakap takde cover line.. hehehe

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Itu la budak2.. Nak marah kesian, tak marah kang sampai bila-bila tak reti-reti..