Sunday, March 24, 2013


If you are a prude, don't read okay sebab aku malas nak layan orang-orang yang akan bagi comment like, benda macam ni pun nak cerita ke ?

So... don't ever say I didn't warn you, yeah ?

This morning after I buttoned up my shirt, I asked Kamil if you know... my bra is showing. He said no, tak ada. Okay then. So pegi Pasar Tani, pegi Tesco beli ikan, ambik beras, ambik itu ini then while we were waiting for our turn at the till, noticed my husband kept looking at my chest.

Aku biarkan jugak tapi when he didn't even talk to me but to my chest, I just had to ask. "Why are you looking at my boobs ?"

And sheepishly he said, "I can see your bra ..."

Sigh. "I asked you before but you said no... "

"No... you asked something else...."

"So what did I ask you exactly ?"

"You errrmmm... asked if I can see your boobs... and I can't ...."

What the ... ?

Patut le orang dok pandang aku.  And laki aku... instead of telling me to cover up ke hapa, was actually enjoying the scenery. I mean... seriously ? He allowed me to expose the girls to the public !

I have always suspected that Kamil never pays attention when I talk. Remember I have been telling you guys that I have started wearing selendangs ? Tudung lilit-lilit ? I keep on asking him if I actually look okay. He hardly even flicked his eyes my way and just nodded.

No matter how I prodded, he will just nod. And semalam bila aku keras sikit tanya if I look like a right twat in this, he forced out an, "Okay lah..."

Wow... what a way to boost my self-esteem, my confidence.


blu4sky said...

salam CPK, really make me laugh.. sabo je lah hubby you.. biasalah men..orang tanya lain..diorang jawab lain..

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Orang laki kan ? Tension tau !