Monday, May 21, 2007

Book Review : Spinster Sisters By Stacey Ballis

This is a story of two sisters who made it big by being single. They have talk shows and books celebrating life as a single. However things started to take a different turn when one decided to marry. This story is more on the other sister trying to cope with the bad press and her worry if the company will survive with one sister not a spinster anymore. Of course she is trying to manage her love life as well plus her ffriendship with her ex-husband.

The book has a good idea. I mean the idea is quite an original, something that I have never stumbled upon. But it was marred by the way she writes. It was boring. The storyline was okay but needs more work. The praises in front of the book somehow does not match the filling of the book at all.

It held a lot of promises but… well, she has to write better. Try it though, you might like it.

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