Friday, March 13, 2009

I remember when

Lately when we were stumped for what to eat, Babah and I would settle for a simple fare of fried egg sandwiches. We started this faze about 3 months ago, after not having it at all for a good few years. Seriously I don’t remember eating it altogether during my adult years ! Hmmm…..

Therefore I was rather surprised how comforting the first bite was to me. It made me feel safe.

I suppose it is because my family is also rather fond of this dish. Usually a favourite if Mummy was too tired too cook. My mother would fry huge amounts of eggs, one after another. Her eggs are always perfect. Soft yolk, bubbly whites with browned edges. I though fry a flat one because I use a frying pan instead of a wok. I’d better invest in a small one soon, just like my mom’s.

Anyway, this food always reminded me of an incident years ago, when I was still safe in family’s fold. The story happened when the whole family was sick except for me, putting the burden of feeding the sheer number of them on my shoulders. The order of the day was of course the mouth-watering sarnie.

I toasted the bread, fried the eggs, cut the cucumbers and pour either tomato or chillie sauce on them, depending on personal preference of course.

I went back and forth between the kitchen and our family room upstairs, delivering the food and beverages and what nots. When everybody was settled, I came down to make my own sarnie, with the very last egg.

Started the stove, got the egg ready in my hand while waiting for the oil to heat up. However when I cracked the egg, the most horrible pong escaped and instead of a sunny yellow and white egg, out slid a black and brown mucus.

I got a bad one. Telur busuk.

The waterworks came. I sniffed and heaved while I threw it away, washing the wok and finally throwing the garbage out because the smell was too suffocating. I was hungry, tired beyond belief. My disappointment was too gargantuan because I wanted every egg that was cracked, fried and turned into a sandwich. I was salivating after every sarnie that I gave to each and everyone of my family. I was imagining sinking my teeth into it and when my turn finally came, to get it taken away from me so forcefully and unexpectedly was cruel.

And the rotten smell didn’t help either. I wept harder when I saw the already toasted bread, the cut cucumbers and the chillie sauce still on the table, waiting for the anticipated egg.

But to whom shall I spend my anger too ?

I went upstairs desolately. My dad asked about my sandwich. When I told him, he tried to give me his but I refused. I lied and told him I ate Maggie Mee instead. I went without any food that day.

Funny yeah ? Merajuk dengan telur ?


Sheik said...

kepada sesiapa yg suka prosperity burger tapi tak boleh beli sebab boikot McD (ILC), kat rumah aku depan Ali Shopping Centre (kedai mamak aje, nama je over) ada gerai burger jual OBLONG BURGER. Ada ayam, daging dan kambing. Harga RM 4 for ayam/daging dan RM5 for kambing.

Sedap wooo.... daging dia pun kenyal dan sedap.

Nuyui said...

I once got a bad egg but didn't realise it's bad because it's still yelolow, and my hidung tersumbat because I was having fever. haha My maid rushed to the kitchen telling me it's a bad egg.

Only when I studied Chemistry that I know how bad egg smells like. haha

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sheik... bagus tu. I will try... rasanya pernah nampak oblong burger ni...

Nuyui.. u r so lucky u didn't smell it... I though have to live with the memory of it forever