Monday, March 16, 2009

My weekend again

My good friend Yasmin enlisted our help to support a move by her daughter’s kindie to collect money for charity. The kindie organized a sale carnival (or something like that), setting up booths for a small fee, which will be donated.

Yasmin, Melia and myself decided to take two stalls. One, predictably to sell food (what else ?) and the other one, a brainchild of Amelia, a games’ booth. For a small fee, children would have the opportunity to play 3 games.

Luckily I still have the Pin The Tail On The Donkey kit from Arif’s last birthday. I also confirmed that I have a dart set. Amelia said she will bring Amir’s Make And Break.

Friday, posters were printed and lists for groceries were made. But all of us working mum’s were busy. Min said she could only nip to Tesco’s after work. I went to Giant earlier to start the shopping but only came home with tomatoes and sausages. Giant was out of minced beef and I have forgotten the pasta. And the sticks for the sausages.

Went home in search for a chocolate pudding recipe. I promised Min that I would come out with desserts too. Couldn’t find it. In truth, I have lost a quite significant amount of much treasured recipe books and talking bout it still hurts. Not finding a recipe while I need it most hurts even more.

Min came to my house at 10 pm. “Semua nak buat tapi masanya tak dak…” She complained. He he… so true, Min but we try our best, kan ? You get A for effort, Min…

I started the Bolognese immediately. Done by 11.30, woke up my partner who was sprawled on the sofa waiting for me and slept as soon as my head touched the pillows. Woke up early morning to find errrmm… I couldn’t find the darts !! Macamana ni ?

Put my biggest pot on the stove for the pasta and heated up the sauce. Grabbed Zingo to replace the darts and gave the whole lot to Min and Farid. Unfortunately my big pot could only fit 1 ½ packets of spaghetti. Could squeeze in more, but pasta has to be cooked in loads of boiling water so no deal.

Neti helped me to stick the err…. satay sticks in the sausages, wrapped them up nicely and we sped on to Pusat Islam. We were already 30 minutes late. The table looked so empty with just 2 items and a quick look at other tables confirmed my worry.

Went to check on Amelia. She and Atirah were still setting up the table and everything looked okay. Managed to persuade a girl to try the games but after she left and I started walking to Min’s I wondered if she actually paid. He he…

Noticed that apart from a booth selling blended coffee and mineral water, there were no other beverages on offer. Discussed with Min and so after I sent my kiddies to piano class, nipped to Giant and bought air kotak. Since Shah Alam Mall is just across the street to the Pusat Islam, I walked the distance. Dropped the air kotak twice. Ha ha…

Met with a harried and tensed Yasmin. Not enough supply !! Demand too high. I walked back to Shah Alam Mall quickly. Yasmin called en-route. Apparently Farid saw me walking and Min was horrified. After explaining the situation she calmed down. Deposited my kids to their art class and raced home. Cooked another 1 ½ packs of spaghetti and cleared the kitchen. Received an sms from Yasmin saying all the pastas were gone and people actually placed orders !! That was when I despaired why I didn’t have bigger pots.

Raced back to Pusat Islam and the food was gone under 45 minutes.

Went to check on Amelia and Atirah and what a sight to behold !! They were swarmed with kids !! I had to help out some !! Amelia said she wasn’t sure all the participants made payments but she accepted them none-the-less. It was excellent. Some parents left their children with her to shop and she had to console a wailing little girl because she wanted to play again !!

At the end I was glad because both of our booths were a success. This was our first time so it was a bit disorganized but we aim to do better next year with careful planning !!

Yeah !!


liadevega said...

wow, that's great to hear...sayang i couldn't joined. but i went to try yr spaghetti la kawan, i think that was when you were racing home to boil some more. should have told me, i have leftover cooked pasta from muhammad's birthday in my fridge plus a supersize pot!

Anonymous said...

I went there tapi u all dah balik...min kata u all dah kaya sbb tu balik awai....tak dpt nak main games and spaggeti pun tak dpt rasa :(

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Friends, thanks u 4 coming. Yes... kita org mmg dah kaya dah ni... Duit berniaga cukup untuk makan roti canai... he he

Cik Puan Kamil said...
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Anonymous said...

hello...I was there, why my name not enlisted? kuang kuang kuang

Sheik said...

caya la korang. lain kali kalau takde aral aku join jugak.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Anonymous macam mana nak tulih nama hang when I dont know who u r ? He he....

Sheik... orait.... kalau dijemput lagi le tahun depan

me said...

aik lama tarak update blog?

liadevega said...

tahun depan, anak sapa ada lg sekolah kat situ?