Another 3 day weekend for us. Bliss.
Friday morning we went to watch Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed it immensely. It was a good movie, so good that Adik paid attention, and obsessed about Lord Blackwood for days. Before the movie, we had breakfast at Ani Sup Utara, Cili Merah tutup, eating loads of nasi lemak bungkus. I love nasik lemak like that, bungkus kecik-kecik. Nak kenyang kena tibai 10. Ha ha….
We had lunch at home. Well the kids did, Kamil and I didn’t sebab kenyang nasi lemak. Tapi pukul 6 petang Kamil bukak periuk, 10 seconds earlier than me. Keh keh… We didn’t have dinner of course, well except for the kids, then pukul 11 malam kami keluar pergi beli burger Otai depan 7-11. Aku nak tanya, apa maksud Otai ? Nama orang ke ? Although I have heard people using it like a verb or maybe a noun. I dunno.
In between Kamil bukak periuk and beli burger Otai, we watched Shinjuku Incident which was very disturbing and we took the kids and my nieces to fun fair kat Stadium Shah Alam. We visited the animals first, ada horses and anak kuda yang looked like Shetland ponies. We saw goats (and smelled them), deers and the icing on the cake, the rabbits. RM3 sorang nak masuk and bila anak2 ku dilepaskan, mereka berlari macam orang gila, not knowing which rabbit to peluk, or gomoi or bagi makan…
Esya took such a loooong time to feed the rabbits sampai yang lain-lain dah boring and aku paksa dia campak je the food to the milling and overfed rabbits. Makcik tu rupanya dok bagi sebutir seekor okay… Hai… bila nak habih ?

Dancing happily as soon as they got in.

Feeding the rabbits.

Beleking the rabbits. Didn't take pictures of the kids on their rides though. Bawak Ana pi toilet lah, apalah... Ha ha
And then of course we tackled the rides. When I went to pick up the girls at my mom’s house, Ana pesan dengan aku, “Mummy kena kokong Ana tau….” I sighed dramatically, thinking about Kamil’s arms which are gonna be sore indeed. Kesian Kamil…. Kah kah…
Yang lain berebut-rebut nak naik macam train ni, dia tak nak. She wants to naik this ride yang pusing keliling tapi naik atas bawah, heran gak aku. “Ana tak takut ke ?” I asked. “Sebab tu Mummy kena pegang Ana kuat-kuat …”
What ? This is the first time I heard I was gonna ride in it. Cess ! While waiting for the abang and kakaks to finish their ride, dia nak pi toilet pulak… WAAA ! At the deers just now, we passed by 2 outdoor latrines. Babah said, “Kids, look to your right and witness your mother’s worst nightmare ….”
Cess… kureng sungguh. But then, masa tu pulak le ada orang bukak pintu nak keluaq dari toilet tu and I saw the inside and it was revolting. Plus, orang yang bukak pintu tu keluar dengan anak dia, and masa tu pulak lah dia pakaikan seluar kat anak dia while the little boy pegang the pintu for balance. I felt faint when I saw that. Kalau aku tu, dah puas aku menjerit, “Don’t touch anything ! Don’t touch anything or I will cut your fingers !!” macam perempuan gila. Yes, aku akan jadi gila kalau aku kena pi public toilet. Outdoor ones, lagi le. That is why, I never went to Glastonbury. Tak teringin pun.
Plus, kalau anak aku tu, selepas aku cuci tangan depa dengan wipes, balik rumah akan ku rebus ayaq and bila dah suam, aku suruh depa rendam jari lama-lama. Oh, before that it is vital that I cut (or their Babah) their nails first.
Anyway, aku dah nak nangis and to me the safest was to do dalam longkang. Puas aku keliling tempat tu dalam gelap (hantu jembalang, perampok dah tak ingat dah) and finally jumpa satu yang tak dak grill and a bit terlindung. Lepas tu aku wipe budak tu sampai berkilat…
Went back to the kids, Babah sengih happy sebab aku kena buat benda yang boleh mendatangkan trauma, we trooped to the ride yang Ana nak naik. He he… dengan Babahnya sekali kena naik… Dah nak sampai, Ana who was holding my hand let out a cry and when I looked, and … I was presented with dugaan yang paling berat sekali. Her kaki cerluih masuk grill longkang, and selipar dah masuk dan bergaul dengan ayaq longkang. I cried with Ana, while my hands reached in and fished out her crocs. I looked up and saw Kamil smiled with mirth at me. “Malam ni dahsyat betul untuk ya ?”
Setan ! Bukannya nak tolong aku. Dahlah wipes tinggal berapa keping saja. I wiped her crocs then wiped her small, cute foot then wiped the blood that weeped out from quite a long gash.
Aiseh…. Mesti ada drama ni sebab ada darah. Habih lah aku.
I have no choice but to swoop her up in my arms, kissing her tears. “Wawawa… Mummy salah….” She said, pointing at me. Terbeliak jap mata. Apasal lak ? “Sebab kalau Mummy kokong Ana, measti Ana tak jatuh ! Ana kan dah cakap Mummy kena kokong Ana…Wa wawawawa !” Dalam aku dok menangis terkenangkan my poor jari-jemari yang telah terkena air longkang, aku tergelak kejap. Ko ni kan Ana…..
Babahnya ? Gelak besar. EEEEEEIIIIII !
The ride was terrible though. It shook and made creaking noises and aku punyalah dok mengaji, memohon perlindungan dari Allah SWT. Dahlah sempit. Babah naik ngan Esya and Adik. Aku lak naik ngan Abang and Ana. Pandai Babah.. dia buat geng kurus ngan geng debab. Rasa macam nak tercabut je the car yang bawak geng debab.
We went home straight afterwards sebab Ana was of course, cranky. “Ha ? Dah nak balik dah ?” Esya asked. Sorrylah Esya, dah adik meragam. My fault pun… ha ha…. I had the shock of my life when Abang yang super duper penakut said, “Saya baru nak masuk rumah hantu….” Rugi. I will take Abang for that sole purpose later this week.
Nak masuk dalam kereta, dia bagi arahan, “Mummy letak shaya dulu, pastu Mummy duduk, pastu baru Mummy angkat shaya okay ? Angkat shaya pelan-pelan sebab kaki shaya shakit…”. Eeeeeiiiii….. pok kang… Nasib baik comei… We went to Shah Alam Mall to buy dinner for the kids (Mummy and Babah makan pukul 6 petang kan…) and a box of Princess Handiplast for Ana. Babah kokong the whole way. Ha ha…
Saturday sent the kids to tennis class (aku baru tau yang kelas tennis sebenaqnya Sabtu AND Ahad and not Sabtu or Ahad… ha ha….) and then aku pergi cuba mencantikkan muka aku dengan berfacial bersama DR. Since this is kali pertama kami berfacial together-gother, aku tak tau apakah preference minah ini…. Samada mau lena ka atau mau bersembang ka atau mau bertafakur ka… So berkali-kali ku tanya, ‘Hang lena ka ?’. Of course kalau dia dah terlena, pasti akan dia terjaga mendengar sora ku yang lantang berani ini.
For RM 50 is very cheap, so I was happy. As always, sebab kerja-kerja mengorek white heads and black heads dilakukan, aku keluaq spa dengan muka yang berbintik-bintik macam kena chicken pox. Ku khabarkan kepada DR, “Kalau aku tau, aku awai2 pakai Biore black head stripper tu….”
Arriving home, seperti biasa Kamil chom. Pantang sungguh bini keluaq. Dia tak pa. “You pegi lama sangat !” Sungguh tak comei muncung panjang sedepa. Lagi tak comei ialah dia muncung sambil mengperabihkan my Satay Ikan. Cess….
Pegi ambik my Mom and off we went to Restoran Puteri yang kat atas bukit tu untuk survey tempat. Susah rupanya bawak mamat yang chom. Aku memang lah tak specify nak makan lunch tang tu, tapi dah sampai at a restaurant at 2 pm, takkan lah tengok pastu belah ? Makan lah sekali. Beria cari alasan tak nak makan kat situ. So, chom pertama sebab aku tak habaq nak makan tang tu. Eh, dak, itu chom kedua. Chom pertama sebab aku pi facial lama sangat.
Pastu ropa-ropanya buffet saja. Pusing tengok makanan, banyak yang dah habih. “Nak makan apa macam ni ?” Tanya laki aku. Dah mai chom ketiga. When I asked if they will be refilling, the waitress said only some of it. The rest will be replaced with another dish. Abang pulak dah teruja tengok ayam goreng dia, terpaksalah kami okay, dia tu.., makan.
Chom ke-empat, makanan tak sedap. Sampai mak aku pun bagi “Ha ?” bila Kamil start complain. Kami makan okay aje. My mom and I kept exchanging looks. He then took some watermelons for Adik. Itu pun complain. “Panas.” Katanya. I was so fed up, I asked him, nicely of course because mom was present, “You ada masalah ngan Rubiah Suparman ke ? What had she done to you ?” Yelah tak nak makan kat situ, muncung makanan dah habih, pastu tak sedap pulak. Apa ke halnya ?
Ada hati nak sengih and jawab, “I baru bangun tidur masa you balik tadi…..” Mak aku bantai gelak berdekah-dekah. Oh… si Kamil ni terbawak-bawak perangai masa kecik, dah tua-tua pun masih cranky bila terjaga dari tiduq… Nasib baik Mummy ada, kalau dak tang tu jugak aku karate sebijik….
Pastu dibuatnya hantu ni, dia pi ambik lompat tikam (the name is correct, right ?), tapi dia ingat kuih talam so dia makan bogel je without the kuah gula merah. Tawaqlah. Aku tunjuk kat dia jug gula merah tu, dia insist itu untuk sago gula melaka. Sedang aku dok tunjuk-tunjuk, Rubiah Suparman lalu and ingat aku tunjuk kat dia so dia mai.
Bila aku sengih and geleng kepala (buat malu aku je si Kamil ni…), Cik Rubiah ni ternampaklah pinggan dessert Kamil ni and tegur, “Eh.. ini kena makan dengan kuah gula… tawar tu….”. Pandai lak si Kamil tu sengih-sengih and terus mangkit ambik kuah. Tadi dengan aku sikit punya bergaduh… Kalau aku tau, aku jadi superstar awai2 sebab ropanya hanya superstar sahaja yang boleh mengawal si Kamil ni.
Eeeee…. Geram.
Balik and of course bergelimpangan depan tv. Sebab it is December, we have our own winter… which we call the monsoon season… he heh…. Kamil brought down the extra quilt lepas aku hentak kaki. Jangan ingat dia aje ada perangai budak-budak, aku lagilah. Of course kami lena, sebab sejuk-sejuk, and cosy and comfy.
Kamil ajak pi Uptown, and when we passed Darabif and remembered Shazmi’s glowing praises we stopped to try. Seriously, the beef patty was good. It was thick and juicy. You can take a pass at the fish fillet, but the lamb burger was rather good too. Oh, refrain from having cheeseburger because the sliced cheese sucks.
Yang best, the dessert menu includes pisang goreng. Perfect. I who hate McDonald’s (Adik too share my dislike of the food the stupid clown serves) was happy. No late night sojourn to buy burgers. Lega.
Kamil went out with Anu Ane for teh tarik afterwards and Abang, Adik and I settled down, all cosied up with a duvet covering us, watching two episodes of The Most Daring. Dia balik aku tak chom pun. Please remember that Kamil oiii….
Sunday because there was no tennis as some of the bigger kids had a tournament, we went swimming. Esya was all ready but as usual Ana refused to go. Minah ni memang susah nak start. Bila dah start tu okay, tapi nak start tu payah. Aku gertak sedikit sebanyak, she agreed and off we went.
Oh, before that we went to pasar Kelang pukul 5.30 pagi, boleh ? I thougt Kamil was just joking when he suggested it, tapi when he woke me up, it was really 5.30 am ! I who didn’t believe him earlier didn’t mention to anybody that we were going, fully thinking that I could sms and call people (especially my mother) in the morning. Tapi since it was 5.30 am, I just went without taking any orders. “Don’t you dare tell my mother we went…” Itulah amanah ku pagi-pagi.
Anyway, my Ana is a girl of few words but many, many songeh. She hasn’t found her fish tails yet, but pelampung is a no-no. Yang yes-yes ialah Mummy kokong dia and ikut je mana dia nak pegi… Boring tau. So Babah singgah rumah PIL to get Adik’s old sit-in pelampung. Of course dia tak nak. Aku tau bukannya apa tu, dia ni penyegan. Dia malu kalau orang tengok.
Babah tak kira. He floated the pelampung, pressed the honk on the pelampung’s toy steering wheel for good measure, lifted her up and put her in. Pastu Babah quickly pulled her. Suka pun. “Besht, Mummy….” Ha…. Tu lah ngko.
We swam until tangan semua kecut. And tummies growling. Babah said, “Boleh tak you masak, I tak nak makan luar….” Alahai… kalau aku masak, lama lah lagi. Pastu banyak songeh pulak tu. Nasik tak mo. “If you want pasta, we have to singgah supermarket for ingredients..” pun tak mo. Nak chicken chop ke, fish and chips ke apa ke semua kena singgah supermarket. Nasi je buleh sebab dah pi pasar. Muncung pun muncui….
“Oh, I ada keaw tiaw… Keaw tiaw (I really do not know how to spell this…) Cantonese boleh lah….”
The answer ? “Apa-apa yang senang untuk you….” Iya ? Kalau senang pi makan kat kedai, wokey.
Balik aku masak. Sebab ramai, I had to Cantonese some Yee Mee, too. Habis semuanya. Sian… the kids had to wait with rumbling tummies for Mummy to cook. Babah, Ana and I watched the telly after lunch and the rest of the kids played Wii upstairs.
Fed Ana homemade chocolate cake which she loves. Masalahnya teringat pulak benda lain. “Mummy tak buat cookies, ke ?” Alahai kau ni Ana. So Mummy dengan berat pungkoknya pi check ingredients. She found all the ingredients except for the butter. “Sorry Ana…..” But then about 5.30 when their Ayah called with orders to mandi and siapkan his girls by 6.30, masa tulah rasa kesian sangat kat Ana.
“I ni kan Kamil macam tak tau bawak kereta yek… Apa salahnya I pegi kedai beli butter ?” Herot mulut Kamil while throwing his wife a disdained look. “Namanya malas…” Pastu gelak macam dia buat kelakar paling best abad ini.
Ini yang nak kena ni…. Homemade chocolate cake ada dalam fridge. Tadi aku masak Keaw tiaw Cantonese…. Semalam masak spaghetti Bolognese… malas lagi ? Aku hempuk kang.
Waved the kids goodbye and we went up to mandi and pray. Went to Cili Merah for Naan and Tandoori (please remind me next time to just share with Kamil….), and then settled down to watch Dark Knight.
Woke Kamil up for bed but he wanted to watch a football match. Went down many times to check up on him, waking him up everytime and hearing his “I tak tidurlah… I tengah tengok bola ni….” Yeah right. Suka hati hang lah, Labu….
Hmm… so long….. Sorry…