Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas and Movie Reviews

About 2 weeks ago we went to Subang Parade sebab Dan wanted to buy new futsal shoes. Christmas is just around the corner kan so the mall was suitably decorated. Got in the car and I had my Mariah Carey cd on and suddenly one of my favourite songs by her, All I Want For Christmas came on.

I love that song. Because it is catchy. Sure I don’t celebrate Christmas but I can’t help liking the song.

Anyway, apart from its catchiness, I love that song because it was in one of my favourite movies of all time, Love Actually.

Now, I love that movie. I find that it hit me at all the right places. The romance inspires me and made me went awww….. Plus it has Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in it, both whom I absolutely adore. Especially Firth… I find him so endearing…

Aside from that, that movie potrayed love at all levels and all kinds. Love for your brother, and love that transcends class and language, love for your cheating husband, love for your dead wife’s son, so on and so forth. The movie made you feel warm and fuzzy and for that 2 hours yeah, you feel that actually, everything is gonna be all right.

You lose yourself in the stories because the actors were excellent, and the direction superb, and the script was amazing.

Cinta came out after that, a Malay version of Love Actually. And for me who had always been very critical of Malay movies, loved it. Sure there were corny moments but all in all, it was a very good effort.

So… Christmas made me think of Love Actually and Cinta and for a moment, made me warm and my heart glowed.

Oh yes… I promised movie reviews yeah ?

New Moon

Since I have read the book, there are no surprises there but it helped to see everything that you read translated on the big screen. I somehow do not think that Kirsten Stewart is a good actress. I got quite menyampah tengok dia pulak. Edward Cullen looked like a ponce this time around. He looked so much better in Twilight but this time around, his lips were redder, his lashes suddenly got very long and his face, well…. the new director must have decided that he in Twilight was not pasty enough, so for New Moon, please double the bedak. He looked horrible.

But Jacob was dreamy. And Bella was right, he is beautiful

It is a good movie, and for those we have read the book, please go see it. Kalau tak rugi. And all those nice things he said, when you read it you tak rasa sangat, but when you actually see Edward Cullen said it, you go like, “Damn it, this hantu is romantic !”

“You breathing is a gift to me ….” Or something like that.

And then he said, “I do not want to be in a world that you are not in…” or something of that effect.

Sigh…. Bless him.

Ninja Assasin

Oh, oh , oh… Ini cerita banyak sedih. It was said that ninjas kidnaps children to be trained as assassins. Apparently it is a common practice for governments or companies to use ninjas as hired assassins. So that is why kidnapping children is a must.

Rain was one of them, trained under a grueling and cruel regime. Part ni sedih lah bila depa tunjuk how little boys kena belasah, berdarah-darah sebab sensei depa strict Na’uzubillah.

And it is very, very gory. Scenes of severed limbs and torsos and heads are common. Blood splashed out generously all over, sampai aku rasa sayangnya darah-darah ni… jamu buang kat the Cullens pun tak pa.

Aku suka cerita ni. Banyak persoalan yang timbul, so aku ada sedikit tak puas hati but still it is very good.


Tak payah lah aku cakap banyak. Hangpi pi sajalah tengok. The CGI is excellent, the imagination the best I have ever seen so far. Umar tak berkelip mata tengok. Habis aje he said, “Awesome !”

But it was too long and aku yang dua kali pi toilet. Aku tarik jugak Elsa ikut but she was upset. Dalam toilet she told me, “Cepatlah Mummy ! I don’t want to miss anything !!”

He he..

So if you are like me, needing the toilet all the time, please watch Avatar at the CineLeisure because the toilet is damn clean !


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

if hantus aare all romantic mcm edward cullen.. aku pun nak fall in love dgn vampire!

knv said...

oh aku pun suka Love Actually. sweetttt sesangat hugh grant. kat sini aku tak larat dengar depa dok putaq lagi All I want 4 christmas tu. budak2 pun terikut2 haha :P

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Konot.... Kat malaysia ada pocong pastu toyol... he he... nak vampire kena pegi States !

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ana... comei kan... tapi aku suka gak yang Colin Firth punya character tuh.... Enjoy christmas kat situ... walaupun tak celebrate tapi the festivities best !

liadevega said...

i need you to explain the twilight saga to me sbb i is the first time the see the edward byk benda aku tak paham...sila jgn hena!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Errr.... edward vampire tapi fell in love ngan bella yang human. Jacob is a shapeshifter... actually satu kampung dia shapeshifter and they turn into wolves. So the wolves and the vampires macam ada treaty not to cross each other paths kalau dak the wolves akan mamam and geget the vampires.

It is more than that actually... kalau nak paham please tengok twilight dulu... Hang dah tgk kan... Or not baca the buku. Aku nak bg pinjam pun tak leh sbb org pinjam and tak pulangkan balik..