Monday, December 21, 2009

My 3 day weekend

Hmmm…. aku boleh macam ada lupa pulak apa aku buat…

Thursday night we had dinner with Ian. Makan Thai food kat Shah Alam Mall. Or that was Wednesday and Thursday we went to buy Adik’s baju sekolah. Either one lah. Nope. Kamil had a wedding on Thursday night. Oh yes, I took the kids to Sushi King after singgah office sat. Pukui 7.30 malam aku sampai office. Boss aku suruh mai jugak so aku angkut anak-anak aku. Lantak le… No maid kan…

Anyway, the 3 of us makan set me back almost RM 90. Budak-budak ni dah tak main dah makan Kanikama aje… which is like RM 2 per plate. They grabbed the Prawn Tempura Sushis which was like RM 6 per plate and Adik snatched a plate of Scallops Sushi. The purple plate. Kopak mak… Next time, kita pegi ngan Babah kay…

What happened Friday ? Err… breakfast at Cili Merah after I sms’ed them tanya bukak ke tidak Maal-Hijrah ni. Err… balik I suppose. Kamil bawak Umar sembahyang Jumaat.

Then we went to see Avatar at The Curve. It was such a hassle to go there because of the jam so Babah parked at his Mutiara Damansara branch and we walked there. Movie review nanti, na. It was good by the way. Totally recommend it.

We didn’t have our dinner there sebab keluaq wayang dah lambat sangat. Babah took us to Popeye’s instead which was a dissapointment. Don’t know if you guys ever eaten Popeye’s before.. about 15 years ago ? Last time it was at that building selari dengan KLCC tu… And that time, it was amazing. Kamil kata maybe my memory was clouded but Mummy remembered Popeye was good. I remember sinking my teeth in their very hot, buttery corn on cobs. I remember the fried chicken.

This time around no corns. Just mashed potatoes yang pelik and a very hefty bill. So not going there anymore.

Saturday was the usual line up of classes. Lunch at home. Then malam… buat apa yek ? Entahlah… Apalah dah tua-tua ni, buat apa kelmarin pun boleh lupa.

Then Sunday was busy. After leaving the kids with their coach, Kamil and I jogged around tasik sampai kaki aku nak tercabut dah. Usually we only take like 3 rounds around the lake at the mosque but this time around, we did 5 laps. 5 !

He didn’t say anything tapi aku lak yang terasa hati. “Si Nigella tu gemuk awak suka aje… Tang saya awak suruh kuruskan badan yek….” And aku muncung. Si Kamil tak tercakap apa tengok aku. He he…

After breakfast watched the children trained sekejap before taking them home to prepare for kenduri at Kamil’s kampong.

And therefore now I remember what happened Saturday night. Kamil balik kampong bawak Abah dia. Because Sunday ada 2 kenduris to attend, one MIL’s sister’s wedding and two PIL’s nephew’s wedding. So I stayed at home and goreng nasi and nasi aku sedap gamaknya sebab anak-anak perabih buang. Bila Kamil balik, dapoq dah kosong and dia berlagak macho tak yah makan. Tengah syok-syok tiduq depan tv (seperti kebiasaannya dia) dia tetiba mangkit kata lapaq. Teruih keluaq pi beli burger depan 7-11. Ha ha…

Anyway, we went to MIL’s other kampong first then to PIL’s kampong. We were surprised that it was a double wedding dekat kampong PIL. Further terkejut sebabnya it was suppose to be a triple wedding but disebabkan atas kesilapan teknikal, tak jadi. Dekat kampong MIL, Kamil and I took turns dukung his niece. Best rasa pegang baby… Tetapi… yeah… well….

Balik rumah dah lewat jugak. I watched the love of my life dok berdengkuq and entah macamana, aku pun boleh terbuai mimpi sekali. Ishh… bukan sahaja yawnings saja yang contagious. Sleeping pun..

Lepas Maghrib keluaq balik pi beli tudung sekolah for Adik. Monday is her school orientation. Dah besar anak Mak… Felt a bit sad when she modeled the full uniform in front of us last night. Hai lah… now I know why my father mourned everytime we reach a milestone. “Hmm… tak dak dah toy ayah….” He would sigh.

Dalam kereta, aku cakap ngan Kamil. “Lega you tahun ni tak payah bayaq school fees Adik…”

He looked at me with a horrified face. “Financially lega lah… Benda lain ? Dah besar-besar ni problem lain pulak… Boyfriend lah… apa lah… Mumble Mumble Mumble…”

Ha ha….


Sheik said...

meh aku sambung ayat ko...

mrs kamil:“Lega you tahun ni tak payah bayaq school fees Elsa…”

mr kamil: boleh simpan duit kawen lagi...hik hik


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hang saja nak bagi aku perangat. Penampaq satgi... Ni dah bukan hijau cair...ini hijau dah nak hitam !

Desert Rose said...

Ya Nigella tu GEMUKKK okay , makan mcm pig, tapi depa sokaaa sangatt noo...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

DR aku pernah tengok kaki dia sekali. Dia pi book signing and pakai skirt pendek... Gila tau lutut dia... tapi yang had ni lah yang si Kamil dan ada satu mamat keje kat LHDN (aku tau hang soka okeh....) tak pejam mata tengok...

Sheik said...

bila kami nak tegnok baywatch...satgi kena marah

apalah dosa kami menonton rancangan masakan tuh... hihihihihi

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sebab hangpa tengok penuh kusyuk tapi resepi tak salin pun !