Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The thing I started to do way back

Today apparently there is a ceasefire. Or they are withdrawing altogether. I don’t know. I have stopped reading long time ago because I can’t stomach all the atrocities.

Last time, when I first started boycotting, I used to get a lot of crap from my fellow Muslims.

“How sure are you ?”

“Then there is nothing that you can take anymore if you go on hearsay….”

“Don’t tell me all these companies support Israel ? Where is your proof ?”

“Blah, blah, blah….”

My fellow Muslims mocking me. Usually friends. I do not know why they get so defensive. Why they mock me. Until now I do not understand. I never ask them to do the same. I think. I would think most of the time I am making a statement, like ”Yeah, I don’t drink Coke.. so no thank you……” then it starts.


I go on was-was. If you are unsure, don’t.

I try to go on the net and there are a few websites dedicated to it, giving us links to follow through and to read for ourselves and I suppose to make the conscious decision. But internet is internet, any Tom, Dick and Harry can set up a website full of lies or the truth or half truths…. I don’t know.

The trick is I suppose to differentiate between Jews and Zionists. Cannot be prejudiced as it is HARAM. Can’t support musuh Islam as that is HARAM, as well. So again I go on was-was.

Like when there is no HALAL certificate, only NO PORK AND LARD signage, I wouldn’t enter those premises because I think about the condition of the chicken and beef. So was-was and therefore don’t go.

It doesn’t matter if you do not boycott Israel linked companies (as they are now called) but do not judge my jihad. This is my jihad. I can’t go to Palestine like the wonderful Dr. Jemilah and her MERCY, but this is mine and let me be.

I am just afraid that when my time comes and Allah asks me what I have done for my fellow Muslims, I have no answer at all.

I refuse to give even 1 sen of my money to fund the massacre of the Palestinians.

PS : Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson is doing the boycotting, why can’t us their brothers and sisters ?


liadevega said...

I've heard about this so many times from you Myra, it seems that yr 'friends' really can't swallow what you believe. Let them be Myra, biarkan Si Luncai terjun dengan labunya..you can't change people, pray for them.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Thank you, Ya. Really appreciate your advise.

So glad you are never one of them, thank Allah !

Sheik said...

Biasa la tu sebab manusia ni ada 3 jenis:

1. Those who understand
2. Those who don't understand
3. Those who refuse to understand

Anyway, one fine day when israeli or US bomb hit our shores, then u dont have to preach about this anymore.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Please don't let it come to that... What a scaru thought.

Anonymous said...

depa ni jeles.. coz they are not that strong to boycott.. biaq pi kat depa la...

Sheik said...

Alamak...aku dan terr AMIIN.. camno tu?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

He he konot I like your jealous theory... ha ha

Sheik, hang dah amin ? Tarik balik ! Tarik balik !

Cik Puan Kamil said...

He he konot I like your jealous theory... ha ha

Sheik, hang dah amin ? Tarik balik ! Tarik balik !