Thursday, January 08, 2009

Today's ramblings...

I have so many things to say but… well…

First of all, I want to capture my sorrow for the Travolta family on the death of their son. My sympathy is overwhelming especially when I saw the picture of John and his late son gazing at each other adoringly.

I respect men who are not afraid to show his love towards their sons. Father and daughter are different but father and son’s relationship is a bit at arm’s length isn’t it ? My father still kisses me, a woman of 32 but I haven’t seen him kissing my brothers in a loooong time. Women are different, we have no sense of macho-ness or masculinity to protect so men who are not afraid to wear pink and who could look at his son with absolute admiration is beautiful in my book.

And then the picture of John resting his head on his son’s shoulder and Jett had his arm around his father’s head while he kisses him made my cry. The love is so evident and I am so sorry. I could not imagine the pain.

Secondly, just want to say that fitnah hurts. No wonder Allah SWT said fitnah is worse than murder. To the victim of fitnah, sadness envelopes him, uneasiness came knocking and anger will soon come. All this negativity robs him of sleep.

He would start to doubt himself surely, thinking did he really did what they say he did ? Why is his memory, his recollection of that particular incident different from the accuser ? Was it his choice of words ? Was it his face that betrayed his real feelings ? What were his real feelings ?

Sleep eluded him.

Then came the plotting. Plotting to get the truth of what really happened. He is lucky if there were witnesses. However he is in another dilemma. Should he really make a big deal out of this ? Would the witness keep their conversation private ? What if the witness informs the accuser ? Does he want that to happen ? Is confrontation good ? Will it solve the problem ? What if the witness sides with the accuser. Allahu Akhbar. Allahu Akhbar. Allahu Akhbar.

Sembahyang Istikharah. Itu saja jawapannya dan kemudian bersabar. Allah makbulkan doa orang yang teraniaya.

1 comment:

Sheik said...

Kepada yang difitnah.

Allah seolah-olah sedang berkata-kata kepada kamu: "kembalikan segala urusan kepadaKU. ingati DAKU selalu. jika kamu memilih selain mengingatiKU, akan kusibukkan dirimu dengan perkara-perkara lain"