Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Of bird crap and mistaken car..

Okay, here we go again.

It was at a time that I was legally allowed to leave the office premise last week (after office hour lah tu…) and went straight to my car.

I was dismayed when I saw a few splatters of bird crap on the hood which I swear wasn’t there in the morning. I remember hubby saying that bird crap left too long could peel the paint off. Plus I could already hear my husband’s bebelan if he sees them, so before he starts I’d better do something about it, yeah ? Therefore I took out my trusted wipes and started scrubbing.

I started with the one nearest to me first. Then went up a bit then up a bit until I was about to attack the one near the front screen. As I reached out my hand, I was shock to see McDonald’s VIP sticker on it.

“Eh ? Sejak bila ?”

Looked up a bit and noticed that my other stickers were gone and were replaced with a few unfamiliar ones.

What the… ? Darn it. Looked to my right, not there.

Looked to my left and there it was. My real car in its pristine glory (from bird crap lah… not from dirt though….). Looked at the soiled wipes that I have accumulated and sighed. And almost cried because I do hate crap.

Then….did a quick scan to make sure nobody (especially the lucky, lucky owner of the car) were there to witness my… well… stupidity is all I can think of at this very moment.

Rubbed my fingers furiously with the wipes to cleanse myself from the very acidic crap. If it can peel paint, it could probably do some damage to my skin.

Damn !

Drove home blaming my husband for it all. What else can I do ?

But whatever it is right, no matter how elaborate the story I just told, it is just the opening. The real story I want to share happened when I told my husband of my little escapade that very night. I expected a laugh and his normal “You are so stupid…”, a bit of a head shake and his leteran. I fully anticipated his very narcisisstic, “Itu lah.. lain kali tengok dulu plate kereta tu…. Awak tak pernah tengok, pakai hentam aje… blah, blah, blah….”

I mean, the thing I did well… I do them often. And him being my partner for 16 years has seen and heard it all. So I was gobsmacked at his gobsmack reaction. His eyes widened, his mouth hung open in apparent shock.

Eeii ? This is me what. I do that all the time. Sure situation differs but this particular situation was just bidding its time to coincide with mine.

Errmm…. So does this mean that this one, this mistaken car thingy is a bit too much ?



Desert Rose said...


Hang ni kan , pi minta kerja jadi badut sambilan kak besday party ah,ha hahah ha, kalau aku nampak mesti aku guling gelak. 5 tawun wooo gelakkk

Sheik said...
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Cik Puan Kamil said...

Aku tunggu hari hang tersilap kereta macam aku DR ! Aku gelak 6 tahun !! Kah kah

Cik Puan Kamil said...

So maksudnya Sheik kalau budi mu kurang akan kau raba itu mamat yang cantik ? AUuuwwww !!!

Sheik said...
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Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sheik, aku rasa ko akan kena tanduk ngan bini ko kalau dia baca pengakuan mu ini... Sila reinforce perut hang ngan apa2 yg patut.

Aku heran kenapa org lelaki terlalu suka dengan Nigella yg tembam membam itu. Bukan kah korang suma suka body ala-ala Angelina Jolie sehinggakan perempuan2 suma sibok berdiet ? Termasuklah laki aku sendiri yg ternganga nengok si Nigella tu colet makanan dgn jari pastu isap dgn penuh syahdu..

liadevega said...

amboii....tuan tobib en. sheik mazrul...bukan main ye buat pengakuan terbuka kat alam maya ni...

jumpa kat rumah nanti...!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ha... aku baru cakap.... Sheik oii.. Sila buat update keadaan perut mu besok ya... Kah kah

Anonymous said...

adeh adeh...lawak lawak! errrr..kekawan kalu ada nak cari b@du7 masa bday party boleh la jempu myra :D

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hello Anon hang nak aku buat lawak lap kereta salah ka kat bday party ? Ada irg nak gelak ka ? Comment2 yg mcm gini selalunya dtg dr org yg ada bela iguana ...

Sheik said...

Laporan: Perut saya ok hari ini.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Alhamdulliah. Ko sembuq ayat jampi apa ? Kah kah..

PS : Awat hang delete hang pny comments ? Aku suka.... Boleh pakat buat gelak di kala duka..

Sheik said...

Aku delete komen sebab takut ramai gay mula minat aku... eowww!!!!

Oooo... mana Puan Suraiza de Souza nih??? dia dah gi honeymoon ke? Takde komen2 ganas dari dia hari ni...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

La... takut jugak hang na ?

He he... itu ke nama Mawar Gurun Sahara tuh ?

Sheik said...

DR adalah juga Mawar di Gurun Gobi.
Eja pula adalah juga Suraiza de Souza.

Tukar mode lebai kejap:

salam, ana rasa kurang sopan menyebut perkara-perkara lagho di langit terbuka. sekian wassalam.