Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weekend yang baru-baru ni eventhough another weekend is juust around the corner..

Ha ha… padan muka aku… Nak sangat tukar kerja, sampai I couldn’t do one of the things that I love … blogging.. a.k.a ranting on the web.

Anyway… well I really don’t know if stories of my weekend is relevant anymore as I seriously couldn’t remember what we did. Well not much anyway. Probably it is a blessing in disguise so now you guys wouldn’t be bombarded with 3 pages long essays anymore.

I was away on business from Wednesday to Friday. I know… last week was my first week at my new job. Monday induction, Tuesday I read the files and had a very cursory feel around. Wednesday I was off. And the real training started. It couldn’t be more real than that, folks.

Anyway, upon our return back to our hometown, my colleague sent me to Ikea where Kamil came to pick me up. He is kind, this N. He sent us nearest to our home eventhough I am sure he was tired from all that driving. He had wanted to send me home but since he lives in Damansara, I wouldn’t let him. He had been driving the whole time we were there and I just couldn’t do that to him.

Anyway, was soooo happy to see my little family. The kids were asleep of course but I was just happy to see them, I didn’t care what state they were in.

Sad thing, Kamil had to work the whole weekend. What a bummer. I was soooo looking forward to spend my weekend with him. Horrendous these employers in Malaysia. Simply horrendous.

I made lunch, baked a brownie while Amelia came for a chat and we shared the still warm brownies when Kamil came home. Bliss…. I love seeing him. I really do miss that man. Luckily Amelia was there or I would have pounced on him for a very tight and loving squeeze.

I made dinner too because he was tired and we spent the night talking and filling in stories that happened during the time we were apart.

Sunday I waved him goodbye and did revisions with the kids. Exam time and therefore Mummy and kiddies worked hard. Made lunch of grilled sarnies before going of to Kamalia’s house for a visit. Noreen came too (actually it was her idea). The kids after drinking and eating what Kamalia offered went off to visit her neighbor kat depan pulak. Teruk le budak-budak ni. Kacau Jubei pulak. Jubei jamu makan lagi. Macam raya, from house to house.

I made dinner too after seeing my beloved slumping on the sofa. Tired and a bit under the weather. Sian dia.

And as usual, suddenly it was Monday.

Sad isn’t it ?

I think so.


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