Tuesday, December 04, 2012

I am not a nag ...

So... ada benda yang nak aku cerita sebenarnya.. Well... not cerita exactly but to ran and rave about. Benda yang terjadi ni also made Kamil and I berantakkan sepanjang masa.
Well... dia membebel and aku shroud myself in silence. Please stop saying women are nags. So not true.

As much as I want to write it down, I can't. Karang jadi benda lain pulak. Again, I should have blogged anonymously. Maybe I will. Maybe I will start a new blog and just write everything down. Create a new name and all.

Anyway, semalam I went out with a dear friend who is also an ex-colleague. Dengan anak-anak kami trailing from behind. All 10 of us. Aku ada 2 aje and she has an impressive 6. Heheh...Yup, my bad, my bad. Sebab yang kecik-keciknya ada 8 (well her eldest is taller than her and my eldest is taller than me.. so we have to minus them from the 8), tak sempat lah sangat nak bersembang berbagai. Nak mengomel-ngomel karang anak-anak dengar, tak elok pulak. But it was fun. I was glad Abang made new friends although Adik didn't manage to get on with her daughter. All fault laid on Adik's feet for being so shy. Too shy in fact which contradicts greatly with her very funny self, her sassiness and sauciness and those special elements that made her... well her. Gregarious her.

Only with us, probably. Shame.

Other than that, we went to watch Rise of the Guardians last Friday. It was really great. Amazing. I had so much fun watching it and everybody agreed that it is the best animated movie so far. Better than Toy Story 3 or A Bug's Life which is my favourite.... I think.

Oh.. there is a new green rug in my home. A small one. It came from a very questionable source. Yeah, I know you guys must be thinking how questionable a rug could get, eh ? Bootleg carpet ? Heheh... No... But well... it is something that I can't explain but just would like to record of its errmmm.. questionableness.

Other than that ?

Oh yeah. About Adik and her super fear of the unknowns that lurk in the dark. 2 nights ago I asked her to send folded laundry to her room. Her own stuffs pun. I was upstairs with her, kay and all she had to do was walk the 10 steps to her room. I swear I could hear her fart from my room. Punyalah dekat kan ?

But what happened was,

"Abang....teman saya simpan baju dalam bilik..."

"Saya kat bawah lah...."

I don't believe this. The guy is downstairs ! She expects him to come up to teman her ?

"Takpelah... Teman je lah...."

A pause. Then a very audible sigh. Then..."Okay lah...."


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