Friday, June 12, 2009

Why you so like that, ah ?

I read an entry in a blog just now bout one mother’s son’s answer to teacher’s “What do you want to be when you grow up ?” (If you want to know, the little dear answered NINJA, much to the teacher’s consternation – cikgu, please lah… He is 5. I wanted to be a Jedi when I was 5… to 15…ha ha….).

Anyway, her entry reminded me of my own ‘What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up’ moment. Annually, from when we were 7 to about 9 or 10, cikgu would call us one by one to ask that question and we have to give 3 answers. 1, 2 and 3.

Well, I remember this once, right where cikgu actually warned us that she will be making enquiries of that nature the very next day and wanted us to think long and hard about it. Okay… Don’t know about you but I was mighty excited. See, I love being asked bout that. Usually the teacher would call us one by one to the desk without any warning. If your name started with an A, then you really were ambushed. But by M, words spread and you could have a quick think. But it was never enough ! I would frantically think one glamourous job after another, not knowing how much time I have and when my turn came, I would be so flustered (at least I was, not sure about the rest of you), I could only remember the boring ones. Which would result in my stewing over my bad choices for days.

Like teacher, police, lawyer, doctor… Standard answers. Errmm… to those people who read this and actually menyandang the occupations that I just mentioned.. errmm… jangan marah…. At that time it was boring le…. Sekarang ni reality keeps me in check… He heh..

Anyway, that year, to have one whole day for leisure berangan of what I want to become was heaven sent. I was giddy with happiness. The class was buzzing with our discussion and I remember Astronauts, Gymnasts, Scientists were thrown about at a speedy rate.

I remember Azmall and Ami Mokhzani…. maybe Darjah Tiga kot…

Anyway, went home and had another glorious think, pulling out all the exotic occupations my 9 year old (kalau Darjah Tiga lah) 3 pounder could think of. I was having the time of my life.

Pegi sekolah, of course it became the subject of the day and we talked to everybody, proudly listing our choices and quickly canceling them if a friend has a better choice. Keh keh… budak-budak namanya.

When my turn came, I was so damn excited. Pathetic life I must have at that point in time if soalan bangang macam tu pun can be so… orgasmic… Don’t mind me…

However… well there is always something to deflate me, ain’t it ? Again, however when I was actually there, my chest puffing with pride (seriously, I must have such a dismal life).. hmm… teacher was, God… how can I put this ? Uninterested. Blasé. Indifferent.

She didn’t even ask me, people. She just looked at me, pen poised on my card (like identity card, maybe half of A4 size for student’s particulars), eyebrows rose. For some reason, pride turned to shame. Why was I being so perasan (remember aku paling pantang kalau orang cakap aku perasan… apa lagi thinks I am perasan…), thinking that she is actually interested to know, barring the call of her duty ? She was just doing her job. If Kementerian Pelajaran tak suruh tanya, she wouldn’t have cared less. I could remember my upright posture fell and I slouched.

I was embarrassed beyond believe. I mentioned my first exotic choice and she just wrote it. She didn’t ask why or say anything. Hell, she didn’t even look at me. So for the second and third, I just gave her the normal, boring safe ones.

When I turned to walk back to my desk, she called the next person on the list in a bored tone. I remember thinking why didn’t I notice her fed up tone before ?

He he… why am I me ? Why am I like that ? Eh… shouldn’t I write ‘Why WAS I like that ?’



Puteri's territory said...

So Myra, what was it? Ninja ke?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Jedi kot ? Tak pun Optimus Prime... keh keh....