Sunday, May 05, 2013

Kisah hari ini

Yesterday was a sleepy day for me. Sempat tertidur. Nasib baik aku terjaga bila dengar orang menjerit. Rupanya telly. Cerita Korea. Yang Kamil dok tengok. Entah apa kena ntah si Kamil ni dok gila melayan citer Korea. Semua gara-gara tertengok citer Korea masa dia demam dua hari last month.

Dah terjaga sempatlah aku masak lala cili padi. Masak sup suhun.

Today was a bit more active. Well active for the kids and Kamil as they sweated away at the tennis court while I.... went for a spot of spa treatment at the club. Kamil was sweet today when he asked whether it was nice. He hardly ever asked, ... in fact I can safely say that he never asked about my sojourn to spas but he did today which was nice.

I managed to catch accidental afternoon nap again. I was meaning to find out who was the murderer in that Law and Order episode I was watching but didn't manage to. Tiba-tiba kat telly dah keluar citer lain.... Hahahha...

Anyway tadi while waiting by the poolside for Kamil and the kids to mandi, I heard a commotion at the next table. A father was saying, "Stupid boy !" countless of times, interspersed words that sounded like Hindi or Urdu. Actually he didn't say the words, he barked it. Itu yang buat aku pandang tu, the way he had barked "Stupid boy !" Anyway since those are the only English words he used, I have no idea what other profanities or damaging things he said to his son when he spoke in his own mother tongue.

I looked and saw a little boy in his swimming things, dripping wet with a towel pressed to his mouth area. It looked like he bled. I looked around and the mat sallehs around us were also looking, some clucking in dissatisfaction that the father was calling the son stupid. Sian budak tu. Dah lah sakit, kena panggil bodoh berulang-ulang kali. The father should symphatise while chastising him for being careless or whatever, just don't call him stupid outright, lah. Insinuate it pun boleh kan ?

Anyway, the lifeguard came with a box of plasters and offered it to the dad. He looked with this dissatisfied expression on his face and said, "Luka kat mulut, lah. Mana boleh guna plaster....." Oh, Malaysian rupanya. However clearly without Malaysian values for being so rude to the lifeguard who was trying to help.

A few more stupid boys thrown about and he started packing. As they were leaving the lifeguard came again and offered ice. He shook head at the ice and said, "Saya tak mau ice..." and left.

Kurang ajaq sungguh. Tak boleh ke cakap baik-baik ke tangan yang menghulurkan pertolongan ? Kenapa kasar sekali ? 

He turned around and left, without imparting a single thank you to the very helpful lifeguard. Such arrogance. Menyampah giler aku tengok dia.

I looked around again and the other mat sallehs seemed to agree with me as they shook their heads at his retreating back.

My hope is that the little boy is spared from further stupids from his own father and .. that he doesn't turn that way when he has his own little boys.


blu4sky said...

Salam CPK,
ur kamil dah berjangkit jadi cam hero cerita korean kot..sweet & romantic..hihihi

as for the dad, lukuk jer paler dia..dia yg stupid sbb x pandai nak monitor anak sendiri..dah ler bodoh..sombong plak tu..uisshhh

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Waalaikumsalam darling blu4sky,

Ye ke ? Macam itu ke her citer Korea ? I must let him watch them if it makes him more thoughtful when with me !

Aku memang nak bagi penampaq sekali kat mamat tu. Sian tau budak tu terkebil-kebil nengok bapak eh sambil pegang tuala kat mulut dia.... Tapi aku takut satgi dia balas balik... HHAHHAHAHHA.