Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My last day..

Hari ni my last day kat my Division. I have been rotated and will start in a new division (although same department) Thursday ni. Sedih. My boss satu hari ni ngan aku hari ni. His office is actually elsewhere, tapi dia datang tadi, guna meja belakang aku. We had lunch together, and sembang-sembang while we did our work.

Pagi tadi aku sampai dulu. Aku dah keluarkan kotak letak tepi meja. Selama hari ni aku sorok kotak tu sebab takut dia meletup bila dia nampak. Tapi dah hari ni last, mana nak disorokkan lagi. So tadi bila dia sampai, dia terus nampak kotak tu. Aku tengok muka dia berubah tapi lepas tu dia senyum tengok aku.

This division was my first assignment dekat company ni. Next month will be my third year here, actually. Dalam tiga tahun, aku merasa 4 boss. Aku ada ramai staffs yang aku sayang and ingat selalu. Alhamdullilah staffs yang dah lama left us masih sufi jawab phone calls aku. Some aku rasa still ingat aku boss dia orang sebab still very apologetic bila dia orang lambat jawab. Hahahha.

Yang mana masih stay dalam company yang sama tapi cuma tukar division or join operation masih nak instant message aku. Alhamdullilah.

My boss ni dulu manager aku. Lepas tu he was rotated to other division as head. Last January he was asked to take care of my division ni as head jugak sebab my boss, DX was transferred to join operation. Therefore I have been with him for 2 and a half years. Dia selalu cakap dengan aku dia suka sangat our team masa dulu-dulu, under our then boss RR and kemudian DX. We had a lot of synergy, he said. We were good with each other. Something that he still cannot re-create yet.

Sedih. Aku pun selalu rindukan apa yang we had dulu. Masa aku mula-mula masuk dulu as the 7th member our team kecik aje. Lepas tu add a few more and then things were so much fun, so nice. Lepas tu we changed office, our biggest client was sold and everything changed.

I too hope that I can re-create what we had last time. My team now is bigger. I have 18 staffs to supervise and 3 bosses to answer to, as oppose to 1 now. Hahah... dah start tension.

Takpelah. Toksah lah cakap pasal ni lagi.

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