Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dah lama benar agaknya aku tak masak...

Semalam boss aku call dalam pukul 9 malam. Mengadu domba. Sian dia.
And then he came into the crux of the matter. He has spoken to my new boss and I think she wouldn’t allow him to keep me any longer. I have to move to my new division by 2 May.
Sigh… And then he started again. And I have to listen and was wrecked with guilt the whole night.
Pagi tadi dia call aku lagi. Mengadu lagi.
Yang heran, both semalam and pagi tadi he ended our conversation with, “Thanks for lending your ear..”
Eh ? Tak pernah-pernah pun cakap macam tu. Even masa dia tukar division lain pun, he still called me to talk and rant and rave. Tapi tak pernah lak dia cakap terima kasih. Ini bila aku lak yang tukar division, dia pegi cakap macam tu pulak.
Sedih aku.
Nak buat macam mana. Bukannya aku tak sayang dia. Aku seriously sayang all of my ex-bosses. Errmm… except for one. Penipu besar tu aku tak sayang. Oh.. hati ku masih panas membara rupanya. Tapi sesiapa yang pernah aku panggil boss (kecuali si dia yang botak licin dan mangkuk ayun itu), I have deep respect and love for them.
However, I have to grow. And this is the only way for me to grow. I am near 40 now (YIKES !!) and I have to move on.
I am thinking of leaving actually. I talked about it to another division boss but she told me I that I have to stay. I am very obedient. So I am staying. And declined the other job offer. The one that suits me more. Cuma.. well… heheheheh…. I am well averse of travelling to KL. Buang masa aku trapped in a jam, ber jam-jam on the road sedangkan masa tu aku boleh gunakan untuk masak ke, baca buku ke ….
Talking about masak, sejak balik dari holiday aku belum ke dapur lagi. As soon we entered KLIA, the first thing Adik tanya was apa aku nak masak hari ni. I needed all the strength I could muster to stop me from pelangkung kepala dia.
But then day after day they asked if I was cooking. Not even lunch at Mahbub could stop them from asking what I am cooking for dinner. I got the hint, so semalam I made a simple pasta with sundried tomato pesto. Aku rasa macam tak jadi aje tapi budak-budak ni berebut-rebut nak makan.
Bibik pulak bila tengok pinggan Abang dah licin, terus dia angkat basuh while Abang looked the other way to get something for Kamil. When he turned around, his plate was gone.  He saw pinggan Adik dah licin, he put his second helping on her plate while her head was turned. When she turned back, Abang was wolfing down spaghetti on her plate. She was confused. Then she looked in the serving bowl and confusion turned into dismay sebab there were none left.
Some body started pushing and then words were exchanged. Adik then stormed off and came back with a fresh fork. She started digging in from the same plate. Abang started to shovel food in his mouth.
I closed my eyes and started walking to my room.


Cik Kiah said...

Hahaha! Aku ingat adik ambik fork nak cucuk abangnya.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

CK,, kalau jadi macam tu memang tajuk posting ialah Adik kena jugak pelangkung hari ni !