Thursday, April 18, 2013

Karangan tension

Yesterday I was at Abang’s primary school for some errand. While waiting for the clerk to come and sort me out, I sat at there, looking around.. ho-humming, well you get the drift, I heard the Deputy Headmistress talked on the phone.

From the conversation I gathered that a friend, who I had the impression is also a teacher, is in a right mess. Her husband is having an affair and today is the day where she actually found out that it is true. The DH was consoling her, telling her to be patient, not to fight but talk to her husband nicely to ascertain her position in his life.

Kesian aku dengar. I couldn’t imagine what the girl on the other side is feeling. Itulah lelaki. Bila ada yang elok sikit aje terus nak. Padahal punya lah banyak orang lelaki lain yang tak kawin lagi, tapi depa nak jugak walaupun they are effectively taken. Tamak sungguh. Kalau hang betui-betui ikhlas, pi lah bagi kat orang lain yang belum ada sapa-sapa.

Heh… macam nak bagi anak kucing je yek… aku ni pun.

I feel that it is so unfair when men do this. They always say takpa I will be fair. Kita take turns. Tapi yang bestnya depa. Every day they will have a bed mate. Sedangkan bini akan ada masa tiduq sorang. Lagi lah bini pertama yang dok hari-hari ada kawan tiduq sebelah tapi tiba-tiba kawan tiduq tu kena catu pulak. Rela hati mencatu diri sendiri.

Adil kah tu ? Yang seronok laki tu saja, yang bini tak seronok pun. Itu yang namanya sayang ? Aku bosan bila dengar orang kata, well I still love my wife. Then, if you do love your wife, why do you this ? Why you allow her to berendam ayaq mata sebab hang ? Why you sampai hati biaq dia tiduq sorang while you berseronok-seronok dengan orang lain ? Aku tak paham. That is not love.

What is not love is also husbands that beat their wives. The one that I don’t understand is the wives that actually stayed. I still love him, katanya.

Ya tuhan. Sayang apakah itu kalau hang biru-biru lebam ? Setiap kali dia tumbuk hang, sayang kah itu ? Setiap kali dia sepak hang, sayang kah itu ?

Oh tak, lepas tu dia mesti menyesal and peluk aku balik. Lepas tu nanti dia akan letak ubat……

Oh bestnya.  You are so lucky to have a husband that loves you so much, he administered meds to your bruises right after he made them. Oh, please don’t forget the apologies and the hugs ! You are a lucky SOB.

Is it too much to ask for you to leave ? I am just afraid that one day while he punched you in the head with so much love, you actually crumpled and die. That is all.

Yeah, as you could have guessed, I am in a situation where I am trying to get somebody that I love and care about to leave the anak haram she calls husband.

Women, huh ?

Anyway once I attended a meeting with an American principle in Singapore. That was my third meeting with them. We first met in KL first, then in Bangkok where they have an office and then in Singapore for the Oil and Gas Exhibition. By that time, I have gotten to know the MD quite well. We were chatting during the exhibition and I don’t remember why the conversation suddenly turned this way, but somehow we discussed about fidelity.

He said infidelity is not a crime. Nowhere in the world is it a crime. It is just what society dictates but never the law. Nobody has ever been jailed due to fidelity alone. I remember this incident too well as I could see his big blue eyes boring into me, as if by doing that I would be convinced. His right hand was hitting his left palm as he was talking to stress his points.

I remember afterwards, we walked by the riverside to have lunch somewhere. His Thai secretary held my be the arm and whispered, “He has a lot of girlfriends in Bangkok. Before he goes home he always give me his condoms to keep for next time !” She giggled as she talked then she said, “Men… they can come from any country and all of them are the same…” she then stuck out her tongue to him.


Of course not all men are like that. However I pity those women who are unfortunate enough to be married to men like that. All those heartbreak and the tears and then the kids ! The kids will definitely be affected.

Yesterday, the papers in the UK reported of a suicide committed by a young lady. She threw herself from a high building, killing not only herself but the baby inside her belly. They then went to her home and found the bodies of her three children, aged 11 months, 2 and 3.

Why all this madness ? Because they man she loved and her kids worshipped left her (and in a way, the kids too) for another woman.

Tragic. Utterly tragic.

Tak habis lagi ni… one more. I have friend who was in this kind of mess about 3-4 years ago. Her husband had wanted to marry another and she was doing all her might to stop him. Well all her might worked because he broke it off with the other person. Do you know what her husband said ? “Sampainya hati tengok Abang putus cinta… Sampai hati tengok Abang merana macam ni… Awak memang tak sayang kat Abang….”

Can you guys believe this ? The cheek of that guy ? Tak payah lah aku ceritakan what the harassed wife retorted in return. I am sure you know what she said.

Ha ha !


ummisara said...


“Sampainya hati tengok Abang putus cinta… Sampai hati tengok Abang merana macam ni… Awak memang tak sayang kat Abang….”

aku rasa kalau mamat nih depan aku, aku karate dulu...mangkok sungguh. dia putuih cinta, dia merana lah sangat....yang bini dia? ada dia pikiaq?????????

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Tu dia kan ? Aku yg dengaq kawan aku cerita boleh jadi separuh sasau, yang dengaq laki sendiri cakap macam tu lagi haru dak ? Aku heran kenapa dia yang tak pi karate mangkuk ayun tu.

Gila wei, gila !!!

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

aku panaih sikit dengaq cerita mcm ni. rasa mcm nak bom je kaum lelaki semua.


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Oh terima kasih kerna turut panaih dengan ku... Aku memang pantang cerita bangang macam ni.