Friday, September 24, 2010

Hikmah di sebalik tragedi

Ada hikmah disebalik ketergolekkan aku kat tangga.

I have accepted that every bad thing that happened, well... there is a silver lining somewhere. We sometimes have to look very hard for that piece of silver lining, but look we must or we will go crazy. I truly realise that about 6 months ago when something horrible happened to me. And after about 4 months... I slowly saw the hikmah. It was sooo easy to miss, but I am glad I caught it because when I really think about it, the hikmah is much bigger than the thing orang jahat &&%@!!^^&& tu buat kat aku.

Padan muka dia....

Hehehhe... dah hilang pahala sabar dah tu.... Sorryyy.........

Anyway the hikmah aku tergolek dog tu ada dua.

1. Aku tak yah pegi site sampai 2 minggu masa bulan posa. So... I actually got to posa with my family which is nice.

2. Aku terhencut-hencut jalan ni is a real ice breaker. Senang dapat kawan okay ? this whole week I was at client's office and ada je orang berhenti and tegur tanya kenapa.

Sampai colleague aku jeles and dia pun nak sakit kaki gak. Of course le aku tak bagi sebab nanti apa orang kata dalam satu opis ada 2 orang tempang. Tak logic kan.... In my line of work ni mana ada orang nak buat kawan... so it is really great for me because I have made quite a few acquaintences.

Oh, there is another one.

3. Aku dilayan special oleh friends, family and yang paling penting Kamil. Ini semua test untuk Kamil...samada he can take care of me. If he wants to take care of me. Orang pompuan ni memang sanggup aje. When he was with limited mobility after his operation, perempuan ini lah yang teman dia kat spital almost seminggu.

Pastu dah balik romah, dia pulak gatal nak pindah romah terus. Dan perempuan inilah yang sorang-sorang

a) pack barang dalam kotak
b) hangkut kotak berat cam badak sumbu masuk dalam kete
c) bawak kete pegi romah baru
d) hangkut pulak kotak dari kete masuk lam romah
e) repeat b), c) and d) berulang kali until she kenot tahan and paksa adik2 and abang dia tolong. Dalam satu hari aje semua selesai

Dia tak kisah sebab laki dia sakit and she just wants to make him happy...

So now it is his turn...

Sanggup tak my darling ?

PS : Please add f)Kemas romah sorang2.....


tireless mom said...


I am sure hari hari Kamil dok tengok you incapacitated, makin lebih prihatin dia, and most importantly tambah saaaayyyyyaaaannngggg kat you lagi. So lambat baik sikit boleh? Still doing physio lagi ke ni?

Madam Tai Tai Again said...

Cik Puan,

Tak yah test..I'm sure your hubby will return the kindness you had shown him when he was in the same predicament as you. Sometimes our husbands can truly surprise us with their understanding and affection, particularly when we are unwell.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kak Yatt,

jangan dia makin bosan dah le...

Am not doing physio because rasa lagi sakit after the session....

Cik Puan Kamil said...


I am holding own to your words... !!!