Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My day with my mom

Had a splitting headache yesterday. I had always tried to endure for as long as I could ( just in case it would go away on its own. Sometimes it did) before mengagau cari pain killer. But since it is the fasting month, decided to seek remedy from my mom who could work wonders with her hands. It was really relaxing that I fell asleep and woke up just before adzan. Turun bawah, there was pengat pisang ( please remind me to get some from home ) and agar - agar merah, fishball soup, kari teloq, ayam goreng berempah and sayoq kobeh goreng. Yum......
But it was a small party yesterday, just my mom, my little brother, our help and myself. We ate and talked until Atik told us it is nearly 8. Kelam kabut Mummy and I naik atas to prepare for Maghrib. I went straight to clean myself a bit and took my wuduq. When I stepped out of the shower, I noticed Mummy had left a pair of slippers for me. And when I got out of the bathroom, Mummy had had everything prepared. There were two prayer mats side by side complete with a neatly folded telekung on each. We prayed together and later we jumped ( I did the jumping, she gracefully sat down ) on the bed with our telekungs attached, switched on the telly and talked. She rubbed my arms a few times and massaged my head a little and just be my mom. I needed that. I really needed that. We prayed at 9pm when my siblings returned and she had to become Mummy to everybody again.
Why are mothers so efficient ? Will I ever be that accomodating, that lovable ? Am I, right now ? When I saw those prayer mats arranged like that, it took me back when I was little. That is how we will pray. Ayah and Mummy will arrange the mats as an invitation for the rest of us to join them. Usually, after Maghrib while waiting for Isyak, ayah will take out a book about our prophets and read to us. And then he will lecture.... hehe... my dad is quite a nag actually.


Anonymous said...


Cik Puan Kamil said...

That is the right attitude kan Min, just move ofrward. I am also very worried about my children, will they know that I actually went to work for them ?