Friday, January 29, 2010

Expose Mistik

Okay, remember I had wanted to tell you a story about HEE HEHEHEHE HEEEEEE….?

Well here goes. You might be aware that my normal jogging kakis are Amelia and Kamil.

As it so happens I never do the deed with these 2 people, at the same place. Kamil likes the tasik and Amelia and I we like… somewhere else.., which for the purpose of this entry, I will call XYZ.

Anyway, last Saturday I went jogging with Amelia kan ? We went dah petang, where there were still a lot of people, and even more nyamuks.

We left when the sky was rosy and dusky, chit-chatting all the way, happy with the amount of sweat we produced.

While waiting for Maghrib, I tried to watch the telly with my family when Kamil who just have to channel surf kalau dak dia mengigau malam-malam, stumbled upon Expose Mistik, Abang’s favourite. So Babah drew down his remote and we settled to watch.

As the presenter talked (Pakcik Kopratasa tu rasanya….. Terus teringat Uncle Zubir Ali. Al-Fatihah kat dia, okay ?), I looked at the surrounding which from the very beginning looked familiar.

As I began to recognize a few features here and there, I heard Pakcik Kopratasa mentioned Langsuyar, immediately making my senses go haywire.

“Amelia ! Tengok channel *** (sebab aku dah lupa bukan sebab aku nak protect identity channel terbabit) kaih ! Depa buat cerita pasai tempat jogging kita !!” I sms-ed quickly.

Pelan lama tengok, pelan sure this is the place that not an hour ago I parked my car. And the story is nooooot good. Apparently that very place is haunted by 2 adik-beradik langsuyaq. Ada ka ? Pernah kah hangpa dengaq langsuyaq ada adik ada kakak. Ada ka ?

Of course they re-enact the scene and seeing the long hair and what nots walking on the recognizable jambatan, passing the well-known trees and the big boulders that I myself just went by, buat aku rasa macam nak pitam. Pastu buatnya depa bercakap dengan sora yang sugguh tak best, aku pitam sungguh. Eh dak aih…. Keh keh.

Amelia, the voice of reason was unperturbed. She gave me a “he he he”, and “takde lah…” as well as “kita kalau jogging selalu ramai orang…” brought me back to reality. I do need people to take me back down a notch a bit because I see everything in epic proportions. Think big they say and so I do everyday single day. Walaupun perkara merepek.

When I looked at my children, both of them were watching with wide eyes. He he… Just so happened, that night we went out for dinner and Kamil saja je lalu XYZ.

Remembering my childhood, I said, “Okay… pandang tempat lain… Pandang tempat lain….”, myself turning my head away from it. But my kids ! They were so brave ! Instead of looking elsewhere, like my siblings and I did yesteryear, they truly looked eagerly towards it, Adik pressing her nose to the windscreen even.

He he… Baguslah anak-anak ku… Jangan jadi takut macam Mak hangpa ni and your pak and mak menakan….

Al-kisahnya dulu-dulu, when my mom first started her business, we always have to go back to the shop to collect the periuks and the belangas for mom to use the next day. We usually go after dinner, so about 10 pm we would all climb into the van and Bapak (if he was back from work lah) would slowly drive to our destination.

We always take the same route, out from sek 8, through sek 6, passed sek 4, passed XYZ (he heh), roundabout, etc. etc.

Then one fine night, we kids who as usual were creating a ruckus at the back suddenly became silent upon hearing mom said, “Awat perempuan tu dok sorang-sorang lagu tu ?” She then went quiet and we went quieter still, the van moving on slowly. I dunno bout the rest of my family, but my hair stood on its ends, prickling with awareness. Hmm.. why lah Bapak didn’t just floor it ?

We didn’t see her sure. None of us did, except for mom but we understood what she saw. Oh boy did we understand.

After that, whenever we passed that place, at that very spot, we would look away. All heads will simultaneously look to the left at the start of the journey, and to the right when we returned home.

As time goes by, we would still studiously ignore it you know, maybe busied ourselves with conversation or just look at our laps but we never, ever dared to look. At least I didn’t lah.

Okay, sekarang aku tengok but rasanya siang aje kot. Malam-malam ? Entah … maybe unconsciously, out of habit I still don’t, I can’t tell you right now.

So seeing my children bravely looking at XYZ, made me laugh thinking about our (including lah my Bapak, the biggest penakut ever.. the road ahead of him never looked so beautiful okay… ha ha) foolishness. Kalau apa-apa hal pun check lah dulu kan….

But well actually we did ask mom about it as soon as we got home. She maintained that she saw a lady just standing there. If it was Bapak I would have pooh-ed pooh-ed it and went pfffft.. But this is mom. Mom doesn’t do kelakar bangsat.


Desert Rose said...

Sebelu aku jadi kakak lagsuyaq yg ke -3 baik hg habag tang manakah xyz ni???? Aku nak avoid...

BTW, sebab tu aku tak suka outing esp tempat2 yg berpotensi dan berisiko didiami makhluk lain, i.e pi jogging BERDUA ...sebab kawan kita tu maybe bukan kawan kita, kawan kita yg sebenaq mebi telah diculik oleh depa dan depa lah menyamaq jadi kawan kita okay. Hg sure ka hg joggin ngan Emilia? kah kaha kah.

Semoga Ms E dan Mr Um tak jadi penakot mcm mak depa, as for me sudah terlambat, aku telah menyemai benih2 penakot ya rabbi kpd anak2 ku tanpa sengaja

Cik Puan Kamil said...

AKu tak mo habaq sebab hang dah berjaya menakutkan aku lagi. Tak jadi nak pi jogging ngan Melia weekend ni unless ada lagi satu org ikut...

Sah-sah aku paksa hang ikut sekali. Bersiap sedialah na....

knv said...

kahkahkah! dah lama siot tak dengar orang kata 'kelakar bangsat'. oldskool betoi!

anyway berhati2lah yea. mana tau nanti ada benda ngikut hang balik muahahahahah!

takdak aihhh.. gurau ja :P

Sheik said...

huh...hantu langsoyar kat tepi SUK tu...satu shah alam dah tau da...awatnya hang tka tau nih...pelik bin ajaib aku...

pakcik expose mistik tu ialah pelakon kkalid salleh la makcik...hihihihi..yg kopratasa to look alike dia - encik sani sudin.

last 2 mths pakcik khalid salleh shhoting kat terowong rumah aku pasal hantu putih di terowong...tapi dia ceta terowong lain la...cuma guna terowong rumah aku kat cahaya alam U12 tu utk shooting..

kat taman SUK tu, bukan saja langsuyar, tempat mat gian pun ye jugak...jgn la dok berani sangat...baik hangpa pegi tasik tempat apek n nyonya taichi petang2 tu.... at least ade jugak jaguh handalan kungfu bole tolong bila hangpa semput kena ligan langsuyar

Cik Kiah said...

Pssstttt! Cakap la XYZ ni kat mana? So i know where to avoid bila balik umah PIL i...cakap la..bisik pun tak pe..

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ko jgn saja takutkan AKU !!!!! Hang balik, sah-sah hang ngan DR kena ikut kami pi jogging ! Aku tarik ko keluaq dari romah aku tak kira !!

liadevega said...

kami tau tempat XYZ tu...thot u also know (and buat2 berani...)

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Cik Kiah... oh.. mak pak mentua u org Shah Alam yek... okaylah untuk ketenteraman u mai i bisik

*tasik sebelah mahkamah..*

Jangan bagitau DR tau..

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Sheik and Ya... aku tak tau pon !!!!!!!!!

Terowong mana lak abang yg seropa muka pakcik kopratasa tu talking about ?