Thursday, August 26, 2010

Adik's announcement


Gelak dulu sebelum tulis apa-apa.

Adik called at me work yesterday.

"Mummy... I have something to tell you...."

She took a deep breath then added, "I like a boy....."

All Mummy could say was, "Oh...."

And she said, "Yes... please tell Babah about it...."

Heheheheheh.... Gila apa budak ni ?

I mean, how could I not laugh ?

"Why can't you tell Babah yourself ?"

"Errmmm... I don't know.... Okay lah, bye !"

And she hung up.

And I sat there frozen, with the phone at me ear for quite sometime.

Frozen bukannya apa, was thinking when is the best time to tell her Babah and get the reaction that I want. And I was seeking for abject horror, and nothing less.

I love drama.

Thinking there is no time like the present, I called him. He didn't answer.


Half an hour after that, Adik called me again. She told me about other stuffs that I have now forgotten about then, "Have you told Babah ?"

Hehhehehe.... Budak-budak pun tahu benda-benda macam ni kena bagitau Bapak.

"Err.... no...."

She sighed. "Takpelah, I will tell him myself..."

Kah kah kah kah.... Good luck, I thought but feeling a bit dissapointed because I won't be there to witness his reaction. Damn because I knew it was gonna be volcanic.

Mere minutes after that Kamil called.

"Apasal ?"

Hehe.... "Err......Adik ada call you ?"

Ada, he replied. But she talked about the other stuffs that I have forgotten about tu.

"Itu saja ?"

"Ha... kenapa ?"

Hehehhe... I was happy. And I have to admit, when I break the news to him, I was filled to the brim with glee. Every word I uttered was laced with mirth "Adik kata he likes a boy...."

"WHAT ?"

And I happily repeated.

"Tak nak lah.... I tak nak dengar...."


"Well she told me to tell you...."

"Ha ?... I don't want to know....." Said the poor man and hung up.

Ahhahahahah... I like.

When he fetched me from work, his acknowledgement that the conversation we had ever happened was when he asked, "Sapa nama budak tu ?" and at my "I don't know", the subject was not mentioned again.

Until I heard his anguished and very loud, "Tak nak lah ADIK !!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" while they both were upstairs. Aku gelak macam nak pengsan.

In the car on the way to Mum's house for iftar of nasi tomato, he suddenly said, "Nama dia Fahmi...."

Hehehheheheheh.... Aku gelak aje lah... Muka Babah dia pun dah cukup nak bagi aku gelak 10 tahun, okay ?

"I told her, tak payah lah dulu...... But she said, "But Bah, I cannot help it !""


I had soooo much fun yesterday....


Puteri's territory said...

omigod! OMG! Oh My God! That was soooooooooooooo comel, the part I cant help it and Babah went Waaaaaaaaa oooooooooohhhhh sooooooooooo cute ok both father and daughter.

P/S - Do convey my best wishes to him and please tell him there's more to come!!!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Kak Puteri... hehehhehe... bestkan bagi bapak2 traumatic.. !!!!

I will convey your wishes to him.... he he ... thanks !

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

so comel!!!!!
aku pun dok gelak sorang2 kat ofis ni hauhauhuahuaha!!!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hehehheh.... aku suka tengok Pak dia trauma !!