This morning the kiddies woke up for sahur before me. Well... aku dah celik mata dah cuma cannot bangun yet sebab kena tunggu their Babah to help me up. Anyway, Adik came to peer at me in the dark. I know what she wanted to do but I waited for her to ask.
"Mummy, can I baring with you ?"
I moved the blanket to make space for her, and as the norm extended my arms across the pillow where she immediately put her head on, and snuggled close. Sebik sekejap aku dalam gelap tu sebab teringat masa dia baby dulu.
Every night we would put her in her cot and every morning you would find her in my arms, very much like this morning. In the middle of the night she would cry and nothing you could do to appease her other than putting her head on my arm. Once Kamil tried his arm but it didn't work. It was my arm that she most coveted.
So after that, asal dia teriak aje, I would pick her up from her cot, and snuggle close. Diam dia sampai pagi.
My sweetheart.
Beza dengan Abang. Abang pukul 7.30 pm dah tidur. Somebody has to sleep with him, bagi dia susu (and usually the parent with the tidurkan anak duty will doze off sekali) and tepuk-tepuk dia. We will give him another bottle about 11 pm to midnight and he would sleep until 7 am the next morning. Not a peep would come out from him.
That is why I don't understand why Kamil has the fear of bangun malam to feed the baby when we discussed about expanding our brood because none of his kids bangun malam for a feed.
Anyway, back to this morning, as we snuggled I asked her, "Do you love me ?"
She answered with "Of course, Mummy !" He he....
I asked her how much and her reply was "3 thousand..."
"3 thousand ?" I asked back.
"Yes...." she said. "And 3 thousand is a lot, Mummy....." She assured me. Ha ha....
Dulu-dulu when I first asked Abang (he was about 2)how much he loves me, he would screw his face in incomprehension. "You love me big (and here I stretched my 2 arms wide) or small (here I used my 2 fingers to show him the smallness) ?"
"Biiigggg ..." he said, emulating my hand gestures.
"Big like what ?" Tanya mak yang tak pernah puas hati ni.
I remember him looking around and answered, "Big like sky....." Oohh... puasnya hati Mummy.... He he....
Ooh... anyway, Abang started talking late kan, so his declaration of love came out as "Shoo mah much !!!" Awwww..........
Anyway, dah lama-lama, dah besar sikit, dah pegi kindergarten, one day when I asked him he said, "Big like outer space, Mummy.....""
I love you 2 very, very much... Bigger than sky or outer space and much, much more than 3 thousand !
balqis used to tell me that she loves me "one hundred thousand million million... EIGHT"
aku tanya pasaipa ada EIGHT?
dia kata pasai dia sayang orang lain "one hundred thousand million million SEVEN"
heheheh suka nya aku jadi no satu!
Owhhh so sweet
Konot... he he hehehehhe.... Aku suka sangat dengan jawapan Balqis... Budak2 memang suka number 8 tu... Awat aku tak tau...
DR... cuba hang tulih cerita sweet hang pulak....
Kalau hang tak tau, itu adalah hint untuk hang update blog...
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