Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Warning ! Ini entry merepek orang sakit dada

So I had a mega movie marathon while I was resting at home. And you know some of the movies that I watched really made me wonder about many, many things.

He Is Just Not That Into You

Or something along that line, you know which movie I am talking about right ?

Anyway, it was my second time watching it and the same question crept up in me head, “Is dating really that hard ?”

Okay, I am the one to ask because I didn’t really date in my youth. So all the rules and the waiting and the what nots…. is that all true ? Do the rules and the games transcends borders too ? I mean does saying “I will call you..” but didn’t after a date is done by the Malaysian males also ? O

Is that how things really work ?

That sucks, okay. Hawau nya orang jantan ni.

Hawau jugak Bradley Cooper yang kawin ngan college sweetheart pastu syok pulak kat Scarlett Johansson. Itu hawau sebab macam boleh kena batang hidung sendiri. So it got me to thinking, hmmm….. how did we, Kamil and I, get married ? Did Kamil felt trapped into it and just played along ?

Ha ? Ha ?

I so hate this movie. Although I like what Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck have. Not married but the love is real. And for him to give her what she wants eventhough he strongly, strongly doesn’t believe in, is like the truest gift of love.

So now aku wonder pulak…. Hmmm…. have Kamil ever done that for me ?

Yeah, actually this movie berupaya membawa keruntuhan rumahtangga gak sebenarnya. So I had better move on.

Bridget Jones’ Diary

I love this movie. I really do o-o. Anyway, I didn’t wonder about anything about this movie because I just enjoyed it. Although I do wonder, pakay baju see-through pi kerja sampai nampak bra sesungguh hati (no more outlining of the bra okay) is allowed ?

Well… namanya fiction.

Harry Potter

Alahai Harry. I really pity this boy. His life sucks, okay. Major sucks. Mak bapak mati, mentor mati, surrogate father mati, kawan-kawan pun satgi mati, apa tau dengan dia ni. And the burden on his shoulders ! Urrghhh ! I would not be able to do it. Even Atlas (the man who has to carry the world on his shoulders) doesn’t have it as bad as him.

You know, on the 6th film when yet another bad thing happened, and Professor McGonagal rounded up the 3 of them and asked, “Why is it when bad things happened, you three is in the middle of it ?” and Ron answered with, “I have been asking that question myself for the past 6 years” was so fitting I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I am not ashamed to say that I shed a few tears watching all 6 of them (and have started reading the 7th one just to refresh my memory, and it doesn’t look good people… !) but I have to say his determination and bravery is outstanding. The love he found outside his non-existant family circle (mak and pak menakan hawau semacam… sian dia ni….) is truly inspiring.

I wonder if I can ever be as generous as the Weasleys or even as generous as Hermionie ? Ikut aje, sanggup aje. This is truly the BFFFFF lah. Putting your life at risk (when you know our own life is so precious to us kan. Who in the right mind would sua tangan kat api ? We value our own life !) for a friend, slumming it for a friend, is so bloody moving. I wonder if it is it only in the books.

And so I wonder about the author when she wrote her books. What was she thinking and feeling when she wrote it ? I am sure the books mirrors her life somewhat, expresses her wishes somewhat and putting a voice to her desperation somewhat.

Okay, I understand the plagiarism. I have seen the similiarities as I have read Tolkien and Ibbotsson (Ibbotsson's is platform 10 and ¾ as oppose to Rowlings 9 and ¾) but, the story is hers.

How she weaved the plot is more than amazing. It is magical. Maybe she used them as a based, Tolkien and Ibbotsson and others who have also put in their claims (I heard quite a lot ! Even the Dahls ! Ye ke ?). Sometimes when we read something or see something, it sticks to our brain and became a part of us. I am sure my style of writing could be influenced by all the books I have read or even is like my favaourite author, I don’t know but it is not plagiarism because my experiences is a part of me already. It formed what is me today and I will continue to evolve with my surrounding.

You know when I was growing up, this one girl that I know out of the blue talked like she has a blocked nose. Suddenly so sengau. When I saw her again, years after that, sengau gone, I asked her about it. She sheepishly admitted that she was probably copying Fran Drescher in The Nanny.

He he…

But she said, she didn’t realize it was happening until her parents got fed up with it and nagged the impression away. So probably Ms Rowling read Platform 10 and ¾ and read Lord of the Rings and these books gave her the idea and she based it on her readings. Loosely based it on her readings.

I have to say though that reading the 7th book, it showed that she was doing it in a hurry or probably she was writing in a state of boredom because to me somehow the book lacked enthusiasm. Like it was rushed, I dunno. Probably she couldn’t cram everything into a 300 - 400 pager so she skipped parts about what Harry was thinking or feeling. Or maybe since Harry is a boy, well boys don’t like to dwell on their feelings much. Again I don’t know but I enjoyed it all the same. She is not the best of writers but, she had a very good storyline. Probably if she teamed up with Eva Ibbotsson (I love Eva…..), Harry Potter series would have become a literary genius. More than it is now.


Is that even possible ? To be more successful than it is now ?


Now, it is a bit hard to thread on this subject because of religious sensitivity. As well as because of the crucial 5 minutes that became German… ha ha…

Anyway, earlier on the movie I was thinking why is the Catholic Church not pissed off with this, portraying their God as a cruel being, wanting to destroy his subjects because he is tired of their behaviour.

Then Archangel Michael said, “God used to send floods, now they send us…” or something like that. Then I understand.

Well.. if you put it that way, then I get it. Even in our own religion, bila Allah murka Allah turun kan bala. Umat Nabi Nuh, umat Luth dan umat Nabi Hood diturunkan bala kerana ingkar.

So now….when I look around me, in the papers, in the tv, in the net…. I am very sure Allah is kind of angry right now if not very angry….


Which brings up another point of discussion for next entry, fitnah and forgiveness.


Madam Tai Tai Again said...

Salam Cik Puan, I totally like "He is just not that into you." I think it successfully potrayed the variety of complications that can exist in relationships. As for Bradley Cooper, I'm a fan since his 'Alias' days.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Have u seen him in Valentine's Day ? He he.... I like him in that movie altho in He is just not that into you rasa mcm nak lempang2 aje...

Cik Kiah said...

Msian men or to be more specific, malay men, would call you like there's no tomorrow right after the date. Then takde hujan takde ribut tetiba je lenyap dari mukabumi. Bila dah kena cornered, dia akan cakap, 'eh, i tak janji apa2 pun kat you kan??'

Masih aku terasa sakit hatiku tau!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Oh tidak !!! Itu adalah lagi hawau !!!